
  1. 谈谈腾冲不可移动文物资源的保护和利用

    On Protection & Use of Fixed Cultural Relics in Tengchong

  2. 通过全国第三次文物普查,武安市的不可移动文物总数超过2000处,进一步巩固了其文物大县的地位。

    The total number of the cultural relic is over 2,000 in the Third National Relic Survey , which consolidates its status .

  3. 并利用资源经济学中的若干资产价值确定方法,在实地调查的基础上,计算地上不可移动文物资源的绝对价值。

    Since unmovable cultural resources are of strong externality , we have taken some methods of resource economics to calculate their absolute value .

  4. 地上不可移动文物属于文化地理学研究的文化景观,同时也是城市重要的文化资源和旅游资源。

    Unmovable Surface cultural relics belong to cultural landscapes in the research of Cultural Geography Science . They are also important cultural and tourism resources in a city .

  5. 地上不可移动文物价值评价对古都文化空间格局保护的作用&以北京市西城区为个案研究区域

    The Impact of the Value Appraisal of Unmovable Cultural Relics Surface on the Protection of Cultural Space Layout in the Ancient Capital & Taking Beijing 's Xicheng District as A Case Study

  6. 国有不可移动文物的所有权不因其所依附的土地所有权或者使用权的改变而改变。

    Ownership of state-owned unmovable cultural relics shall not be changed as a result of the change of ownership of or use right to the land to which the cultural relics are attached .

  7. 论述了新文物保护法的制度创新,如历史文化街区的保护制度、不可移动文物的保护制度、馆藏文物管理制度、民间收藏管理制度等。

    This article has expounded on some system innovations in the new " Cultural Relics Protection Law " such as the protection systems of urban historical sites and unmovable relics , the management systems of governmental and nongovernmental relics collections .

  8. 作为大型不可移动文物,它们一直暴露在自然环境中,遭受着自然因素和人为因素的侵蚀,因此风化现象日益严重。

    However , as stone monuments located outdoors , they are always exposing themselves to natural environment and are suffering from natural factors and human factors so that weathering phenomenon of them becomes more and more serious day by day .

  9. 文物建筑作为珍贵的物质文化遗产,其携带了重要的历史信息,见证了我国历史的变迁,作为不可移动文物中重要组成部分有着宝贵历史价值、文化价值、科研价值。

    As precious material culture heritages , culture relic buildings contain significant historical information , witness the changes of Chinese history , as one part of the immovable culture relic , culture relic buildings are valuable in history , culture , and scientific research .

  10. 本论文以云冈石窟的保护为背景,针对三方面的疑难问题开展了研究。包括:(1)开展了不可移动石质文物表面污染物的化学清洗技术研究。

    With the background of Yungang grottoes , this paper conducts the research of three aspects , including : ( 1 ) Research of chemical cleaning methods to remove pollutions form stone relics ' surface .

  11. 在自然和人为因素共同作用下,包括云冈石窟在内的一系列重要的室外不可移动石质文物,正遭受着严重的风化破坏,加强对石质文物的保护成为一项迫在眉睫、长期而艰巨的任务。

    However , under the combined influence of the natural and human factors , a great number of important outdoor immovable stone monuments , including the Yungang Grottoes , are suffering from severe weathering damage , which is obviously irreversible .

  12. 贺兰山岩画属于室外不可移动的石质文物,因自然环境因素的长期作用而遭受到了严重的风化,而风化的主要表现形式为片状剥落和裂隙扩展等。

    The rock arts located in Helan mountains belong to immobile stone relics outdoor , which have been serious weathering with the key patterns of crack propagation and exfoliation because of long-term effects of environmental conditions .