
  • 网络indefinite event;future and uncertain events;uncertain event
  1. 通过对系统误差评价控制规划器的参考时间,使期望的输出可以根据系统当前的运动状态进行调整,从而使系统具有处理不可预测和不确定事件的能力。

    It can handle unexpected or uncertain event , as the reference time is controlled through estimating error of the system and desired output can be adjusted based on the running state of the system .

  2. 或者是为了像重病那样的将来的不确定事件作防备。

    Or for such future uncertain events as a serious illness .

  3. 它也许可以决定那些不确定事件的结果。

    Perhaps it could select the outcome of otherwise undetermined events .

  4. 决策者用对策论的方法量化关于不确定事件的信念是一种较好的方法。

    Game theoretic approach is a good way to quantify the decision maker 's beliefs on uncertainty .

  5. 在不确定事件环境下,对供应链响应协调的层次和机制进行研究。

    The coordination levels and mechanism in supply chain response coordination with uncertain environment have been also studied .

  6. 软件项目中存在着大量不确定事件,这给项目的成功带来了风险。

    Software project there are a large number of uncertain events , the risk to the success of the project .

  7. 该方法通过不确定事件对组织资源能力的影响及时触发资源层结构适应性优化。

    This method can trigger adaptive optimization of resource-layer structure in real-time through the effect of uncertainty events on organization resource capability .

  8. 创造依赖于未来不确定事件例如利率变动或债券发行者是否违约的金融工具,使风险可以交易和分散。

    Creating financial instruments that depend on uncertain future events such as how interest rates change or whether bond issuers default allows risk to be traded and distributed .

  9. 风险就是可能发生的危险,就是自然界和人类社会客观存在的能引起灾害和损失的不确定事件。

    Possibly the risk is the danger which occurs , is the nature and the human society objective existence can cause the disaster and the loss specific event .

  10. 预测可以提高企业对不确定事件的反应能力,从而减少不利事件出现带来的损失,增加利用有利机会带来的收益。

    Prediction can enhance corporations the reaction abilities to the uncertain affairs and decrease the loss of the disadvantage affairs and increase profits of making use of advantage opportunities .

  11. 在同时考虑随机性不确定事件和模糊性不确定事件对电网规划影响的基础上,综合应用概率论与模糊集合论,提出对电网规划方案进行可靠性评估的模糊可靠性评估方法。

    Based on description of stochastic events and fuzzy events using probabilistic method and fuzzy set theory , the evaluation method of fuzzy reliability in electric power network planning is presented .

  12. 由于存在许多不确定事件,像泡沫、突发灾难、金融危机等,都会对资产的收益和方差产生很大的影响。

    There are many uncertain events , such as inflation , disaster , wars and so on , which may influence the return rate and the volatility of the asset greatly .

  13. 供应链运行于复杂多变的动态环境之中,不确定事件可能引发新的协调需求,或者通过信息更新影响到原有的协调策略,这些都将使协调供应链进入不协调状态。

    Supply chain is operating in dynamic and variable environment , the uncertainties would cause new coordination demand or affect existing coordination strategies through information updating , which would make the supply chain lose coordination .

  14. 经济全球化的商业环境和日趋复杂化的供应链结构,使得这种脆弱性在面对不确定事件或突发事件时更易暴露,也使得供应链系统抵御风险和突发事件的能力受到极大挑战。

    Business environment of economic globalization and increasingly complex supply chain structure make this vulnerability more exposure to the uncertain events or disruptions , and also challenge the risk and disruption mitigation capability of supply chain system .

  15. 世界各国正处于一个公共危机的高发期,在经济快速发展的过程中,社会各部分之间的联系会越来越密切,这使得各种不确定事件积聚成突发事件的概率会以几何级数增长。

    With the rapid development of economy , countries around the world are in a high-incidence season of public crisis , and the links between all the sections of society will become increasingly close , which will make the probability of uncertain events changing into emergencies increase geometrically .

  16. 在此基础上,又建立了整个作业任务的离散事件模型,设计了离散事件路径规划方法及控制综合方法,实现了事件反馈的闭环,提高了系统处理不确定事件的能力和作业的自动化程度。

    And then we set up the discrete event model for the whole task and provide the discrete event path planning and control synthesis methods . Those methods closed the event feedback loop and improved the system 's capability to couple with the unexpected events and the automation degree .

  17. 按照PMBOK中的定义,项目风险是一种不确定的事件或情况,会给整个项目带来了极大的不确定性,甚至会对项目管理中的关键要素造成极大的影响。

    According to the definition in the PMBOK , project risk is an uncertain event or circumstance , will give the entire project brought great uncertainty , even on the project management of the key elements in the dramatic effect .

  18. 贝叶斯决策理论为处理不确定的事件或推理提供了理论基础。

    Bayesian decision theory provided the theory foundation of uncertainty event or reason .

  19. 风险是一种不确定的事件或条件,一旦发生,会对项目目标的实现造成影响,如范围、进度、成本和质量。

    Risk is a kind of possibility that something is bad , unpleasant , or dangerous . Once risk happens , it has an effect on the goal of a project such as scope , progress , cost and quality .

  20. 而且,应用粗糙集理论不需要事先确定事件的先验概率。

    Secondly , it is unneeded to obtain the prior probability in course of rough sets theory application .

  21. 不确定偶发风险事件导致的供应链风险后果的估计是风险估计的难点所在。

    It is the real difficulty to assess the aftereffect of supply chain risk caused by uncertain contingent events .

  22. 经济预测的目的在于探索不确定的经济事件的发展规律和未来状况,为经济决策提供科学依据。

    The aim of commercial prediction is to discover the law of development and future status of uncertain financial events and provide scientific gist for commercial decisions .

  23. 混流制造过程不可避免存在诸多不确定的动态事件,如设备故障、紧急插单、质量事故等,导致生产过程无法遵循预定义的基准计划执行。

    Inevitably , there are many uncertain dynamic events in the procedure of HFS manufacturing , such as equipment breakdowns , emergency orders , and quality accidents . And because of that , the pre-scheduled plan cannot execute as its wish .

  24. 但是应该由现在的灾后主导转为设立巨灾保险基金的事前防范,通过建立巨灾保险基金,汇集资金来应对不确定发生的巨灾事件。

    But should advance prevention into the disaster led to the establishment of a catastrophe insurance fund , through the establishment of catastrophe insurance fund , pooled funds to cope with the uncertainty of catastrophe events .

  25. 目前自顶向下的编程模型仍被用于过程化的任务实现当中,但它不适用于发生顺序不确定的实时事件响应系统。

    Top-down programming still works for procedural tasks , but it doesn 't work well for systems that respond to real-world events that happen in a nondeterministic order .

  26. 但是由于现实世界的复杂性,人们不可能设定单个先验分布来描述不确定事件,因此主观期望效用模型在实际决策中是有缺陷的。

    But the real world is Complicated , people can 't construct a unique prior to describe uncertainty exactly , So SEU model is faulty in real decision-making .

  27. 记录-重放技术是经典的解决并行程序不确定性的调试技术,通过对并行程序中的不确定事件进行记录,使得程序能够重复执行该过程。

    The classical debugging method to handle the uncertainties of parallel programs is record-replay technology ; the program can be replayed again and again by recording the uncertain events in parallel programs .

  28. 而对于意外的不寻常的动态因素通常被视为主体犯错误或小概率的效用,不确定的偶然事件所造成。

    The unexpected dynamic factor are always to be regard as the agents which are make mistakes or called " small probability " caused by the indefinite accident .