
  • force majeure factor
  1. 如遇人力不可抗拒因素造成的损失,我司不承担任何责任;

    Our travel agency shall not be liable for any losses thus incurred from the force majeure events ;

  2. 高速公路工程建设项目工程量大,建设工期长,投资巨大,易受不可抗拒因素和意外事故的影响,具有风险性大,风险不确定的特点。

    The construction projects of expressway engineering have the characteristics of the large quantity of engineering , the long construction period , the huge investment , the influence of inevitable factors and accidents , the large risk and the undefined risk .

  3. 曾因错误操作、疏忽使用、不可抗拒的因素而引致损坏;

    Damage resulted from faulty operation , negligence use or irresistible factor at one time .

  4. 由于人为不可抗拒的因素引起的问题造成的损失卖方概不负责;

    The seller shall not be held liable for any problem in consequence of any Force Majeure incidents ;

  5. 如遇不可抗拒的因素,不能履行本协议时,可视为自动终止。

    Should any Force Majeure is attributable to the failure of performance of the agreement , it shall be deemed as termination automatically .

  6. 虽然洪水和其它不可抗拒的因素的确有其影响,虽然全球小麦价格上涨也起到了一定作用,但结构性力量也在发挥作用。

    Floods and other acts of God have had their effect , as has the global rise in wheat prices , but there are structural forces at work as well .

  7. 如果有不可抗拒的因素无法参加,请于小考前联络助教以寻求替代方案。

    If exceptional circumstances make it impossible to take a quiz at your assigned time , please contact your TA before the quiz to see if other arrangements can be made .

  8. 因严重交通堵塞或自然灾害等不可抗拒的因素造成承运班车延误的,乙方不承担责任。

    In case that the delay of the shuttles is caused by the event of force majeure such as traffic jam or natural disaster , Party B shall not assume any responsibility .

  9. 他们指出未能按协议日期完成这项合同完全是因为人力不可抗拒的因素&异乎寻常的严冬以及供货行业的屡次罢工。

    They pointed out that failure to complete the contract by the agreed date had been entirely due to circumstances beyond their control-the exceptionally severe winter , and strikes in the supply industries .