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  1. 产生原因:影响水泵流量不足多是吸水管漏气、底阀漏气;

    Reasons : lack of impact of water flow is the water pipe leaks and more , at the end of valve leakage ;

  2. 分析了Struts框架的优点和不足及多类型用户界面的支持机制,采用XML和XSL技术,对Struts控制器的视图支持部分进行改进,初步实现了控制器对多类型用户界面的支持。

    Analysing the merit and deficiency of Struts frame and support mechanism of multi-view user interface , adopting XML and XSL techniques , improving on the view part of Struts controller , realizing support of multi-view user interface in the controller .

  3. 然而目前国内在这一领域对系统的高层设计仍然研究不足,多注重RTL级和底层芯片的设计,对系统规范描述不够,缺乏整体设计环境的实现。

    However , the domestic researches are still short of high-level system design in this field in the past years . They keep fixating on RTL and chip design , resulting in insufficiency of the system standard description and less realization of the whole design environment .

  4. 当两者的发展出现较大的偏离时,就会产生失业、产业升级缓慢、经济增长动力不足等多方面的问题。

    When large deviation between the two occurs , problems such as unemployment lagged industrial upgrading and slow economic growth will emerge .

  5. 医疗设备供应不足,多已过时,甚至像阿斯匹林这类最起码的药物,也常常短缺。

    Medical equipment is in short supply and often out of date , and even such rudimentary medicines as aspirin are often unavailable .

  6. 本文第二部分建议确定年调节水库不足与多用水量多年平均值的计算方法。

    In the second part , this paper develops a method of calculation of the mean water deficit , and surplus of the annual flow regulation .

  7. 由于深部资料的不足及其多解性,在研究导油气构造时,多元相关信息的正确应用至关重要。

    Due to deficiency and interpretative uncertainty of deep geological data , the correct application of associated multi factor information is especially important for the research of oil and gas conducted structures .

  8. 针对模糊控制器在实现高精度控制方面存在的不足及多变量模糊控制器设计的复杂性问题,提出了一种新的多变量模糊控制器设计方法。

    In order to overcome the deficiency in high precision control and the complication of multi variable system of fuzzy controller , a new method to design a multi variable fuzzy controller is given .

  9. 然而,由于市场化改革的起步较晚、基础薄弱、政府推动改革的经验不足等多方面原因,我国房地产行业也面临到了许多亟需调整的矛盾和问题。

    Nevertheless , the real estate sector has met with lots of contradictions and problems because of the late start of the market-oriented reform , the weak reform foundation , the insufficiency of the government regulation experiences .

  10. 其主要的病理特征是以胶原为主的细胞外基质(extracellularmatrixECM)合成增多,降解相对不足,过多沉积在肝内,从而形成HF。

    The main pathology characteristic is extracellular matrix ( ECM ) that synthesizes by the collagen Extracellular matrix increases , degrades the relative insufficiency , excessively many depositions in liver , thus forms HF .

  11. 为了深入开展体质研究工作,针对现有软件系统的不足,应用多智能体、Internet、CSCW等技术,提出一种新的体质分析与评价系统。

    The research goal of this paper : A kind of new physique analysis system is provided for deeply developing physique research aiming at the shortcoming of exiting software systems . The research method : multi-agent , internet and CSCW technology are applied in this system .

  12. 针对传统航天测控通信系统在测距精度、数据传输速率和抗干扰等方面的不足,将多载波码分多路存取(MCCDMA)应用于航天测控通信系统。

    On the basis of shortcoming of traditional spaceflight telemetry , tracking and command systems in measure accuracy , data speed and resist interfere , multi carrier code division multiple access ( MC CDMA ) technology is applied to spaceflight in this paper .

  13. 对经典实数编码遗传算法(RGA)进行了分析,针对RGA存在的不足,从多方面进行了改进和探索,提出了具有自适应变异算子和多轮优化策略的改进后的遗传算法(IRGA)。

    The classical real-coded genetic algorithm ( RGA ) is analyzed . On this foundation , aimed at the deficiency existing , the improved real-coded genetic algorithm ( IRGA ) is proposed , which has self-adaptable mutation operator and multi-turns evolution strategy .

  14. 根据项目进度领域现有研究的不足,提出多模式柔性资源约束型折现流项目进度问题(MMFRCPSP-DCF)。

    According to the defects of the researches dealt with PSP , the authors put forward multi-mode flexible resource - ( constrained ) PSP with discounted cash flow ( MMFRCPSP-DCF ) .

  15. 在蒸汽散发系统运转过程中,检测到气流量不足或过多。

    Insufficient or excessive vapor flow detected during evaporative emission system operation .

  16. 维生素不足或过多都对机体害。

    Neither excess nor insufficient vitamins are healthy to body .

  17. 平庸的人员素质&人员在技术或流程方面的能力不足会导致多个层面的延迟。

    Mediocre personnel – technical or process insufficiency causes delays at multiple levels .

  18. 他们可能是电荷不足或过多。

    They can be charge deficient or charge excessive .

  19. 然而在已有的研究中,对元认知策略培训的研究相对不足,且多是专门针对英语专业大学生而进行的培训。

    However , the research on meta-cognitive strategy training is relatively inadequate in relation to non-English majors .

  20. 针对边缘角度直方图表达信息的不足,采用多尺度技术进行了改进。

    Aiming at the insufficiency of edge angular histogram to describe spatial information , it is improved by multi-scale analysis technique .

  21. 然而,在具体建设企业文化的过程当中,由于认识上的不足和其它多方面因素的影响,使得该项工作走入了一些误区。

    During the course of construction , however , this subject is indulged in some false cognition for insufficient understanding and other aspects .

  22. 通过膳食史可以发现是否是时尚饮食、物品种是否单一、量和必需营养素摄入不足或过多等情况。

    A diet history may reveal food faddism , lack of variety , or inadequate or excessive intake of energy and essential nutrients .

  23. 她说,为比较轻微的流行准备大量的疫苗总比疾病严重流行却疫苗不足好的多。

    She says it is better to have a moderate pandemic with a large supply of vaccines , rather than a severe pandemic with inadequate supplies of vaccine .

  24. 分析结果表明,调查成本对投资人的投资决策影响很大,投资人投资不足或过多的情况随调查成本的增加而加剧,随调查成本的降低而改善。

    The results show that the audit cost affects the decision greatly and the investment situations change better with lower audit cost or change worse with high audit cost .

  25. 假冒药品可包括含有正确药剂成分或不正确药剂成分,不含有效药剂成分,有效活性成分含量不足或过多,或伪造包装。

    SFFC medicines may include products with the correct ingredients or with the wrong ingredients , without active ingredients , with insufficient or too much active ingredient , or with fake packaging .

  26. 用遗传算法校正摩阻系数的过程中,由于测量数据的不足往往存在多解的情况,而瞬时分析方法又不适用于大型的管网。

    In the course of using genetic algorithm for correction of pipe friction factor , multi-resolution often is found for the insufficient measuring data , while the transient analysis is not suitable to large-scale pipe network .

  27. 通过模拟仿真弥补实验条件的不足,选择多组负倒棱角度的刀具进行建模仿真,研究切削过程中负倒棱角度对铣削过程刀具应力的影响。

    For compensation the lack of experimental conditions , in simulation , tools with the different negative chamfer are selected angle to study the impact of different negative chamfer angles on tool stress during milling process .

  28. 本文从北京服装行业品牌发展现状着手,分析了北京服装品牌发展中的不足,从多个层面提出了促进北京服装行业品牌发展的相关对策。

    Based on the analysis of the present state of Beijing clothing brand , the shortage of Beijing apparel industry 's development was put forward . Finally , several countermeasures of promoting brand competence were given .

  29. 该方法针对传统方法的不足,用多个简单的线性模型描述由不同故障引起的飞行控制系统的复杂非线性动态,系统重构后满足稳定性和安全性要求。

    This method , focusing on the disadvantages of traditional methods , uses several simple linear models to describe the complex nonlinear dynamic system caused by different faults . Reconstruction can meet stability and safety requirements . 4 .

  30. 针对列车运行调整问题集中式求解方法的不足,构建多目标优化列车运行调整的数学模型,并设计分解协调计算模型来求解。

    To solve the problems of centralized computing model for the train operation adjustment ( TOA ), a mathematical model for the TOA of multi-objective optimization is established , and a ( decomposition-coordination ) computing model ( DCCM ) is designed .