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  1. 在杰克逊去世五周年之际,《纽约邮报》爆料普林斯、帕里斯和毯毯(BlanketJackson)将他们共有的每年800万美元零花钱挥霍得相当快。

    On the fifth anniversary of his death , the New York Post claims Prince , Paris and Blanket Jackson are racing through their shared 8 million ( 4.76 million ) - a-year allowance .

  2. 值此五周年之际,我们要庆祝公共卫生界取得的这一巨大成就。

    As we mark this fifth anniversary , we are celebrating a true triumph for public health .

  3. 当5月1号这次讲话发表五周年之际,驻伊美军今年4月的伤亡人数达到52人,使这个月成为去年9月驻伊美军增兵以来美军伤亡最多的一个月。

    As the speech anniversary passed on May 1 , casualty figures indicated 52 American troops died in Iraq in April , making it the deadliest month since the height of the U.S. surge of operations last September .

  4. 五种作物根际pH相对于土体土均有所下降,并随生育进程明显降低。

    The rhizosphere soil pH of five kinds of crops were lower compared to bulk soil pH , and significantly decreased with the growth process .

  5. 在iPhone跨过五周岁生日之际,我们来回顾一下《华尔街日报》专栏作家莫博士(WaltMossberg)这些年对每一款iPhone的测评。

    As the iPhone turns five years old today , here 's a look back at WSJ columnist Walt Mossberg 's reviews of each iPhone over the years .

  6. 星期五爆炸发生之际,人们正担心邻国叙利亚的内战会蔓延到黎巴嫩。

    Friday 's blast comes amid fears of spillover from the civil war in neighboring Syria .

  7. 第五,对区际碳市场体系的构建提出了自己的建议。第六,明确提出了碳减排区域互助合作机制,并进行了相关机制设计。

    Fifth , it also explicitly puts forward the regional mutual cooperation mechanism for carbon emission reduction , and corresponding policy recommendations .

  8. 慕克吉表示:在我们开始这段五年旅程之际,前方道路不平坦。

    As we begin this five-year journey [ in government ] , the road ahead will not be easy , Mr Mukherjee warned .

  9. 在深圳威尼斯皇冠假日酒店庆祝五周年店庆之际,我想说的是酒店的成功很大程度上来自于整个酒店团队对品质孜孜不倦的追求。

    In the celebration of the5th anniversary , I have to say that the vast majority of the success of Crowne Plaza Shenzhen is attributable to the commitment to quality by the team members involved .