
  1. 男性肺心病血清睾酮等五种性激素变化与缺氧的关系

    A Study of Change Mechanism of Five Serum Sexual Hormones in Male Patients with Chronic Cot Pulmonale

  2. HPLC法同时测定保健食品中五种违禁性功能药物

    Simultaneous Determination of Five Species of Contraband Medicine Component to Enhance Sexual Function in Health Food by HPLC

  3. 方法:使用职业过劳量表、SCL-90、中国人组织公民行为量表和五种正性组织因素测验对397名企业工作人员进行测量。

    Methods : 397 enterprise employees were assessed by Job-Burnout Scale , SCL-90 , Chinese Organizational Citizenship Behavior ( OCB ) Scale , and 5 positive organizational factors measurements .

  4. 五种风湿性疾病B19DNA及IgM阳性率无显著差异(P>005)。

    There was no significant difference in the positive rates of B19 DNA and IgM among the above five types of children ′ s common rheumatism ( P > 0.05 ) .

  5. 对五种代表性反对理由进行介绍并反驳其中的不恰当和不充分之处。

    Introduce representative of the five grounds of objection and refute inappropriate and inadequate place .

  6. 用五种实验性心律失常模型比较了α-受体阻滞剂酚妥拉明和β-受体阻滞剂心得安的抗心律失常作用。

    The effects of phentolamine and propranolol on experimental arrhythmias were studied in 5 animal models .

  7. 五种亲水性表面活性剂对胆色素类结石增溶作用的实验及实验样品制型选择的探讨

    A Study on the Dissolving Effect of Five Hydrophilic Surfactant and Selecting of the Experimental Specimen

  8. “克尔来福”疫苗是中国目前正在进行三期试验的五种实验性疫苗之一。

    CoronaVac is one of five experimental vaccines developed in China currently undergoing Phase Three trials .

  9. 在对目前学界关于行政不作为研究所形成的五种代表性观点的具体理论分析后,笔者在肯定研究成果的同时,也指出其存在的不足。

    Affirm study achievement , at one time also point out shortage after analysis five representative viewpoint .

  10. 重点分析了学校教育在以德治国中的五种基础性作用,并提出如何发挥这些作用的四种途径。

    This article analyzes especially the five basic roles that school education can play and puts forward four ways to play them fully .

  11. 根据压力与反应速率的函数关系,以相对速率作为动力学模型检验的判据对五种代表性模型进行检验。

    Five representative kinetics models proposed in literature had been discriminated by reduced rate method which is based on the effect of total pressure upon the reduced rate rR .

  12. 在这五种整体性就业制度安排中,由于制度不同的关联与互补形式,因而,构成了五种不同的企业激励机制创新的路径。

    The correlated and complement content of the endogenous and exogenous institutions are not same in five types , so there are five different ways to innovate the firm incentive mechanism .

  13. 采用邻苯三酚自氧化法,对五种有代表性的动物奶中SOD活性进行了研究。

    The method of autoxidation of pyrogallol was used in this experiment to study SOD activity in animal milk .

  14. 针对这一问题,采用五种具有代表性的捕收剂,在pH调整剂、水玻璃作用下,对白钨矿、萤石、方解石和石英的浮选行为进行了研究。

    To solve this problem , five representative collectors were examined on the flotation behaviour of scheelite , fluorite , calcite and quartz with different pH regulators and depressant sodium silicate .

  15. 一般认为,生产观念、产品观念、推销观念、市场营销观念、社会营销观念是五种有代表性的企业经营观念。

    The corporation marketing activity surely is done through a certain of operation concept .

  16. 本文采用时间扫描方法,画出五种地震活动性参数曲线。

    Abstract : In this paper , five kinds of curves of seismic activity parameter ware drawn by temporal scan method .

  17. 该文综述酰化、去酰胺、磷酸化、糖基化、共价交联等食品蛋白质五种化学改性技术及其它化学改性方法。

    This article surveyed the chemical modification methods of food proteins , including acylation , deamidation , phosphorylation , glycosylation , covalent cross-linking effect etc.

  18. 比较法学家在这一问题上形成了五种有代表性的观点,但这些观点都存在着各种各样的内在缺陷。

    Comparative law scholars have provided five typical views on this problem , but those views had all kinds of inner defects and limitations .

  19. 本区高级片麻岩地体中有五种类型基性、超基性岩脉群。

    Five varieties of basic and ultrabasic metamorphosed dyke swarms have been recognised in the high-grade gneiss terrain in Taipingzai region , East Hebei Province .

  20. 对汉语文、蒙古语文(以下简称蒙语文)、数学成绩均有明显影响的性格特质有五种即知识性、敏捷性、进取性、真诚性、攻击性。

    There are nine character traits including knowledge , facility , enterprising , sincerity , aggressivity , persistence , objectivity , altruism and activation influencing Chinese Language .

  21. 介绍了五种交联水性聚氨酯涂料体系,并与室温固化双组分溶剂型聚氨酯涂料及热塑性聚氨酯水分散体的性能进行了对比。

    The five types of crosslinking aqueous polyurethane coating systems are introduced . And the properties comparison of them with two-package solvent-type polyurethane paints and thermoplastic polyurethane dispersions are made in the article .

  22. 指出电子安全系统的三个独立的电子开关采用加两个时间窗、且同时闭合的控制模式是这五种之中安全性最高的。

    In theory , for the five models of electronic safety and arming ( ESA ), the highest degree of safety is attained through control with three electronic switches added by two time windows closed simultaneously .

  23. 文中模拟了五种潜在突发性污染事件,根据污染物的类型、发生地点及季节的不同,共采取了25个调度方案,并对调控效果进行了比较和分析。

    Five potential sudden pollution incidents were simulated and twenty-five scheduling schemes were adopted according to the type of contaminants , the different occurrence location and season . And the regulatory effects were compared and analyzed .

  24. 以陶瓷材料的力学性能参数为因素集,选择五种可加工性等级,根据隶属函数计算模糊矩阵,通过模糊变换确定出可加工陶瓷的可加工性。

    With the ceramic mechanical property parameters as the factor set , five processible ranks were chosen . The working property of the processible ceramic composite was set by calculating the fuzzy matrix with subordinate function and fuzzy transformation .

  25. 在简要分析五种具有代表性的高校类型划分观点基础上,提出对高校类型划分可从学术维度、行政维度和市场维度三个方面展开,其中以学术维度为核心;

    On the basis of brief analysis on the five representative views of the categorization of higher education Institutions , the article discusses a new kind of categorization by academic aspect , administrative aspect , and market aspect , with the academic aspect being a core .

  26. 其中,可以出现在NP位置的有五种不同的体词性成分;

    Five different substantive components may appear in the position of NP .

  27. 104例支气管哮喘患者血清五种螨类特异性IgE检测的结果分析

    Analysis of serum SIgE results of 5 mites in 104 cases of bronchial asthma

  28. 用高压差示扫描量热法(PDSC)研究了五种含RDX改性双基推进剂RDX-CMDB在不同压力下的热分解特征量及其与燃速的关系。

    The thermal analysis characteristics and their relationship with burning rate at various pressures for five RDX-CMDB propellants were investigated by high pressure Differential Scanning Calorimetry ( DSC ) .

  29. 五种常见嗜尸性蝇类的分子鉴定

    Molecular identification of five common species of necrophagous flies in China

  30. 利用根冠滨粉水解法鉴定五种牧草的抗旱性及耐热性

    Using Mathod of Root Cap Starch Hydrolysis Appraising Drought Resistance and Heat Resistance of Five Grasses