
  1. 结果探头分别在右房、房室环、右室内3个节段,以不同角度成像,可以完成对整个心脏的扫查获得相应心内结构。

    Results The catheter probe was put in different levels of right atrial , atrioventricular annulus and right intraventricular , and different images from unusual views were got to show the corresponding intracardiac structure .

  2. 同时,所有患者组均进行了超声心动图(ECG)检查,并测定了相应的心功能指标。

    The patient group underwent echocardiogram and acquired some cardiac function indexes too .

  3. 一颗这样的心是比价值百万的财富更珍贵,与法相应的心能够赐予别人安宁和快乐,远胜于不论多少的财富。

    One such mind is more precious than a treasure worth millions , the mind that is dharma being able to bestow peace and bliss upon others far more than any treasure worth no matter how much .

  4. 在此基础上提出了新的电路拓扑,采用了经典的半桥结构来简化放电电路;并提出了相应的串心磁环变压器充电的方法,解决了充电回路和放电主回路的隔离问题。

    The proposed topology enables the use of typical half-bridge semiconductor structures to simplify the discharge loop on the basis of Marx . Series-connected transformers using magnetic rings were employed for isolating the charge loop from the high-voltage pulse discharge loop , which simplified the isolation arrangement .

  5. 不同运动负荷下运动后第一心音幅值(S1)对安静时S1幅值增加的相应倍数定义为心力变化趋势(CCCT);

    The definition of the changing tendency of the systolic ability of the myocardium is the increasing relevant multiple between the S1 range value after finishing the exercises with various loads and that in silent state ( CCCT );

  6. 方法:受试者完成规定的运动量,把不同负荷下运动后第一心音(S1)幅值对安静时S1幅值增加的相应倍数定义为心力变化趋势(cardaccontractilitychangetrend,CCCT)。

    Method The subjects accomplished the designed exercise workload and the increase of the amplitude of the first heart sound after accomplishing different exercise workloads , with respect to the amplitude of the first heart sound recorded at rest was defined as cardiac contractility change trend ( CCCT ) .

  7. 结果表明,各年轮基本密度及相应的自髓心的断面基本密度的径向变异表现为,在各断面高度随距髓心年轮数的增加而增大,到一定年轮数后增加趋缓;

    The results showed there existed radial variation and vertical variation of the ring wood basic density and the cross section wood basic density of certain number of rings from pith .