
  • 网络Comparative advantage
  1. 基于产业关联度及区内相对比较优势度的中国重点发展产业选择

    The Determination of Chinese Key Industry Based on Industrial Relevancy and Comparative Advantage

  2. 对抵押权存续期间经过几个方面的比较分析,得出《物权法》二百零二条的规定具有相对比较优势,其规定具有合理性和正当性。

    Article two hundred and two of " Property law " has a comparative advantage , has rationality and legitimacy .

  3. 文章分析了1993&2001年我国粮食与经济作物相对比较优势的变化趋势,并将两者之间结构调整的情况与之对照。

    Based on the change of their relative comparative advantage during 1993-2001 , the article analyzes the structure adjustment between grain and economic crops .

  4. 根据国际贸易的“相对比较优势”理论,说明了这种办学形式对世界教育的发展也是有益的。

    According to the comparative advantage theory in international trade , the paper elaborates that this joint form of school running is beneficial to the development of worldeducation .

  5. 定量的方法包括区外相对比较优势度分析方法、产业关联度分析方法、市场潜在需求率分析方法等。

    The quantitive method includes outer area comparison superiority analysis method , the industrial connection analysis method , the market latent demand rate analysis method and so on .

  6. 锦州的猪肉、铁岭的牛肉、朝阳的羊肉、沈阳和大连的奶类、锦州的禽蛋以及沈阳的蜂蜜等畜产品,在省内都具有一定的相对比较优势。

    Some livestock products , such as pork of Jinzhou , beef of Tieling , mutton of Chaoyang , milk of Shenyang and Dalian , poultry egg of Jinzhou , honey of Shenyang and the like .

  7. 从劳动力资源的市场需求约束、特点及其在国内外相对要素价格比较优势分析,东莞模式在今后30~50年内,仍然是我国合理配置资源的必要和有效形式。

    From the restraint and characteristic of market demands of labour resources and comparatively superior analyses of corresponding element prices at home and abroad , Dongguan Model is still a necessity and effective form of reasonably disposing resources of our country within the next thirty or fifty years .

  8. 作为中国面积最大、人口最多的县域,其经济的低碳化发展具有相对灵活的的比较优势。

    As the most populous and the largest area in China , county economic low carbon transformation development has relatively flexible comparative advantage .

  9. 由于民间金融的草根性,在狭小的信贷交易圈内相对正规金融具有比较优势。

    Because of the grassroot characteristics of informal finance , it has information advantage in narrow credit transactional circles compared with formal finance .

  10. 对于资金与技术相对缺乏的发展中国家来说,自然人流动是相对具有比较优势的服务提供方式之一。

    As to the developing country because their capital and technology is relatively small , the movement of natural persons is one of the best way for their services export .