
xiāng bàn
  • together;society
相伴 [xiāng bàn]
  • [together] 在一起,在一块

  • 多年相伴

相伴[xiāng bàn]
  1. DNA与RNA相伴而生,是一对孪生分子。

    DNA and RNA exist together and they can be a pair of twin molecules .

  2. 在相伴了14年之后,2012年德普和凡妮莎分手。

    Johnny split from Vanessa in 2012 after 14 years together .

  3. 这一产业和初期铁路的建造相伴而生。

    The industry is coeval with the construction of the first railways .

  4. 我和史蒂夫成了知己,几乎时刻相伴。

    Steve and I became soul mates , near-constant companions .

  5. 经纪人对他们年轻放浪的形象和相伴而来的恣意纵酒的行为毫不担心。

    Their manager is unconcerned at the laddish image and the drinking that goes with it .

  6. 相伴着年轻人的是感化官而不是教师去法庭受审而不是去教室上课他们的大三留学之旅是去州立管教所当他们20多岁时没有商科的或英语的学位有的只是犯罪记录

    Young people on this journey are meeting with probation4 officers instead of with teachers . They 're going to court dates instead of to class . Their junior year abroad is instead a trip to a state correctional facility . And they 're emerging from their 20s not with degrees in business and English , but with criminal records .

  7. “SuperFlat”现象与20世纪60年代出生的日本建筑师相伴而生。

    " super flat " phenomena combining with Japanese architects bom in the 1960s .

  8. 一类暂留复合Poisson过程的相伴将来最小过程的极限性质

    Limiting property of the future infima process associated with some transient compound Poisson process

  9. 负相伴随机序列的bootstrap中心极限定理

    Central limit theorem for the bootstrap of stationary negatively associated sequences

  10. 如果与欧元债券相伴的,是一个更加自由化的欧洲央行(ECB),那么我会。

    If there are eurobonds coupled with a much more liberal European Central Bank , then yes .

  11. 很遗憾我不辞职。祝您和ABC公司好运相伴,未来兴旺发达。

    I regret having to resign from my position . I wish you and ABC the best of luck and future success .

  12. 英国广播公司的JamesReynolds报道,污染和与之相关的健康危机日日与这些村民们相伴。

    The pollution and its accompanying health risks are a fact of life for these people , reports James Reynolds for the BBC .

  13. 讨论n阶方阵A的p级相伴矩阵性质,以及A的P级相伴矩阵特征值与方阵A特征值之间的关系。

    In this paper , first and foremost we study the properties of p-step concomitant matrix Ap for square matrix A , then go further into the eigenvalues relation-ship between matrix Ap and square matrix A. grade .

  14. 在亚洲地区,imf贷款一直与耻辱相伴,这是因为在十年前的亚洲金融危机期间,imf对贷款强加了干涉条件。

    In Asia , a lingering stigma attaches to IMF lending as a result of the intrusive conditions it enforced during the financial crisis there a decade ago .

  15. 的患者有不良事件发生,大部分与CLI或相伴疾病有关,并且不同组间没有不同。

    Adverse events occurred in86 % of the patients , most of which were related to CLI or comorbid conditions and were not different between groups .

  16. 讨论了负相伴样本情形线性指数分布参数的经验Bayes(EB)单侧检验问题。

    By using the kernel-type density estimation in the case of identically distributed and negatively associated samples , the empirical Bayes one-sided test rules for the parameter of linear exponential distribution are constructed .

  17. 方镁石一般和中间相伴随生长,尺寸大约为14μm。随着熟料中MgO含量的增加,水泥凝结时间延长,强度下降。

    Periclase generally growth with the intermediate phase , the most size of the periclase is 14 μ m. With the increasing content of MgO in clinker , cement setting time , strength is decreased .

  18. 通过对1995年7月14日的大&暴雨天气过程所获取的3824多普勒天气雷达平均径向风场资料的分析,发现边界层急流(SE)与较强的降水相伴。

    A rainstorm weather process on July 14 1995 with mean radial velocity data obtained from 3824 type Doppler weather radar was analysed . The boundary layer jetstream ( SE ) measured by the radar was accompanied by stronger precipitation .

  19. 推导出AOR迭代矩阵£r,w的非零特征值λ,以及其相伴的块Jacobi矩阵特征值μ在p-循环矩阵情况下的新的函数方程。

    Under the circumstance of p-cyclic matrix , a new functional equation is derived for coupling the nonzero eigenvalue λ of AOR iterative matrices £ r , w , with the associated block Jacobi matrix μ .

  20. 这些狗都是CCI(忠犬相伴,独立生活),一个免费给人提供服务犬的非营利组织,特别繁殖并加以训练的。

    These dogs are especially bred and trained by Canine Companions for Independence , or CCI , a non-profit group that provides service dogs to people with disabilities for free .

  21. 因为我会与你,梦中相伴。

    ' Cuz I 'll be with you in your dreams .

  22. 能够相伴一生的情感,难道不值得珍惜吗?

    Can accompany the life the emotion , is unworthy treasures ?

  23. 美国银行业高度发达,与之相伴的是发达而完备的银行监管。

    There is developed and sound regulatory system in American banking .

  24. 证券市场的风险总是与收益相伴的。

    The returns of stock market always accompany with its risk .

  25. 喜树碱钠对小鼠肿瘤相伴免疫性影响的研究

    Influence of sodium Camptothecin on the concomitant tumor immunity in mice

  26. 财富和美德常常不相伴。

    Riches and virtues do not often keep each other company .

  27. 而女人眼中只有她们珍爱的朋友,于是一路相伴。

    The women saw only the friend they loved and stayed .

  28. 商业银行自成立之初就与信用风险相伴。

    Since the inception of the commercial Banks and credit risk accompanies .

  29. 我与年老的妻子相伴,颁布着我与年老的妻子相伴,颁布着

    Matched with an aged wife , I mete and dole

  30. 人类社会自从产生借贷关系以来,经济生活中的利息以及相伴而来的高利贷争论从来没有停止过。

    Controversy over interest and usury in economic life has never stopped .