
  1. 根据相关方案,美联储作为美国央行,将向由摩根大通(jpmorganchase)负责管理的五个特别工具出借资金,这些特别工具的任务就是向货币市场基金购买资产。

    Under the scheme the US central bank will lend money to five special purpose vehicles , to be managed by JPMorgan Chase , tasked with purchasing assets from money market funds .

  2. 分析论证与仿真实验结果都证实,在同样数量的预分配密钥环条件下,UEGS的节点安全链路建立概率明显高于其它相关方案,在密钥更新、安全性和扩展性等方面均具有潜在的优势。

    Both the theoretical analysis and empirical simulation results show that UEGS has significantly higher probability in creating secure paths among nodes than other approaches , for the same amount of pre-distributed keys .

  3. 探讨了政策与体制创新对发展大陆桥经济带的作用及相关方案。

    We also discuss the policy and the system creation in developing the NAELB economic belt .

  4. 虽然迪士尼做出了种种努力,但几个月来各种相关方案还是泄露到了粉丝博客上。

    Despite Disney 's efforts , however , plans for the park have leaked for months onto fan blogs .

  5. 据我们所知,以前的相关方案的安全性只能在随机预言机模型中得以证明。

    To the best of our knowledge , previous related schemes could only be proved secure in the random oracle model .

  6. 介绍了一个基于大整数分解的叛逆者追踪方案和一个有效的付费电视方案,对两个相关方案分别进行了深入的研究和性能分析;

    Describing a traitor tracing scheme and an efficient Pay-TV scheme both are based on large integer factoring problem in depth .

  7. 目前,尼加拉瓜和危地马拉正在探索制定相关方案,以便同时针对家庭数据和就业数据开展小规模和更灵活的年度调查。

    Nicaragua and Guatemala are exploring options to develop smaller and more agile annual surveys that combine household and employment data .

  8. 奥运会期间国家体育场及场馆外围行人交通运行的实际效果证明了相关方案和建议是可行和有效的。

    The actual pedestrian traffic operations during the Olympic Games proved the usefulness and effectiveness of the proposed methodology and egress plan .

  9. 相关方案实施前,主承销商不得承销上市公司发行的证券。

    Until the relevant plan has been implemented , the lead underwriter may not underwrite the Securities offered by the listed company .

  10. 当地居民和政界人士一直担心相关方案缺乏细节,他们呼吁彻底地重新考虑这个项目。

    Residents and local politicians , who have been concerned by the lack of detail in the proposals , are calling for a complete rethink .

  11. 为保护天然地下水位以下进行的所有开挖不受地下水影响,承包商应提交相关方案的方法说明,以供批准。

    The Contractor shall submit for approval a method statement of his proposals for keeping all excavations carried out below the natural water table free from ground water .

  12. 企业并购审计的目标,应当定位于对并购主体相关方案、信息和实物的合法性、可行性、效益性和真实可靠性的审计。

    The merger audit target should base on the audit to legitimacy , feasibility , benefit , reality of relative program , information , object provided by merger body .

  13. 周日上午,相关方案仍在细化中,但美国国会的助理们表示,他们预期众议院和参议院将在本周初批准纾困方案。

    Final details were still being worked on throughout the morning but Capitol Hill aides said they expected the House and Senate would approve the plan early in the week .

  14. 主要包括:1.根据网络数据的特点,设计了基础数据收集的相关方案。

    The main contents of this article are as follows : 1 . According to the characteristics of web data , designs a plan to collect the data for relation extraction .

  15. 知情人士表示,加拿大工业部和必和必拓正就制定相关方案进行最后阶段的谈判,该方案旨在展示这起交易对加拿大的好处。

    According to people familiar with the matter , the industry department and BHP are in the final stages of negotiating a package designed to demonstrate the merits of a deal to Canada .

  16. ⑷提出了整合优势业务上市的思路,并制定了相关方案,以打通直接融资渠道,为成都建工的持续发展提供财力支撑。

    ⑷ Put forward the idea of integrating the advantaged business to be listed , and designed relative programs , to open the direct financing channel , and provide financial support to the sustained development of CCEC .

  17. 本文结合需求对系统相关方案和总体架构进行说明,包括了搜索结果获取、搜索结果预处理、聚类生成以及用户行为分析等主要模块的设计思想和工作原理。

    Then , the paper states the overall structure according to the demand analysis , including the designing principles of the search results retrievals , data preprocessing , cluster formation , user behavior analysis and other main modules .

  18. 分别剖析了上述四个对象的发展过程、现状、在托盘共用时的相关方案以及各自采用的托盘共用模式。最后,选择韩国托盘共用系统的建设为例进行了案例分析。

    And I introduced the development process , status , the related program in pallet pool system and the pallet pool system model of these four objectives . Finally , I made the empirical study of the development of pallet pool system in South Korea .

  19. 在被问及政府会否考虑放松签证规则时,亨特表示,保持边境安全是至高无上的,但他会研究相关方案,可能让英国签证申请成为申根签证申请的一个平行流程的一部分。

    When asked whether the government would consider relaxing visa rules , Mr Hunt said that maintaining border security was paramount . However , he said he would look at ways that UK visa applications could be part of a parallel process alongside getting a visa for the Schengen area .

  20. 一种用于高频串行数传的数字RAKE相关器方案

    A Scheme of Digitalizing RAKE Correlator for HF Serial Modem

  21. 根据世界贸易组织(wto)的规定,中国在开始调查之前,需邀请美国就“反补贴税”进行磋商,以求达成相关解决方案。

    World Trade Organisation rules require China to invite the us to consult on the countervailing duty petition before initiating any investigation in an effort to find a resolution to the concerns .

  22. 第二,分别研究对称速率和非对称速率信道下信道编码和PNC的联合编译码技术,详细分析相关研究方案和问题,提出一种非对称速率信道下的网络编码方案。

    Second , research the channel coding and PNC joint technology in symmetric rate channels and asymmetric rate channel .

  23. 针对cne切sneV直接扩频序列,提出并设计了一种相关检测方案,推导了该方案的误码率公式。仿真结果证实了理论分析的正确性。

    To verify the performance of DS sequence , a kind of correlation detector is designed , and its BER formula is derived .

  24. 本文在分析掺镱双包层光纤激光器基本结构的基础上,进行了相关实验方案设计,并结合有关文献对实验方案进行了分析论证,最后提出一种V型槽侧面泵浦的全光光纤激光器方案。

    Based on the analysis of the basic structure of Yb-doped double-clad fiber laser , an experiment scheme design had been made . With referring related papers , the scheme was demonstrated . Finally , an all optical fiber laser scheme with V-shape groove side-pumping is given .

  25. 针对太阳米粒图像,给出1bit相关算法方案,并研制出基于FPGA+DSP架构的相关器。

    Oriented to the solar granulation images , this paper presents the algorithm and the FPGA + DSP implementation in detail .

  26. 因此,尽管赛普拉斯和Zetex等公司正在推出相关解决方案,但市场上针对这种应用的可选解决方案还是非常有限。

    As such , there are more limited solutions available in the market for such applications , although companies such as Cypress or Zetex are creating those at this time .

  27. 合成孔径辐射计多路高阶数字复相关器方案研究

    Research on Multi-Elements and Multi-Levels Digital Complex-Correlator of Synthetic Aperture Radiometer

  28. 有限状态矢量量化相关编码方案

    Finite - State Vector Quantization with Correlated Encoding

  29. 他还补充说,他所在的委员会应该会在今年夏季时拿出具体的相关政策方案。

    His committee should have concrete policies on this subject by summer , he adds .

  30. 横风下空冷塔单塔与双塔流场特性及相关改进方案的实验比较研究

    Comparison of Flow Characteristics and Improving Techniques in Single and Double Dry Cooling Towers under Cross Wind