
  • 网络imperfect competition theory;the theory of imperfect competion;StructuralM arketIm perfectionC ompetitiveT heory
  1. 张伯伦等人的不完全竞争理论用产品差别性说明大企业和中小企业都存在产品差别,产品差别使中小企业得以存在和发展;

    Chamberlain 's imperfect competition theory , which illustrates the causes for the existence and development of medium and small enterprises ;

  2. 自DS模型以来,贸易理论上重大突破是建立了不完全竞争理论,将报酬递增与不完全竞争同时纳入贸易理论框架中。

    The great breakthrough in trade theories since the emergence of DS model is the incorporation of increasing return and incomplete competition side by side into the theoretical framework of trade .

  3. 前者主要包括制度学派和凯恩斯主义的理论,后者包括外部性理论和不完全竞争理论等多种。

    The former includes such theories as those of Institution School and Keynesianism , and the latter includes such theories as Externality Theory and the Theory of Imperfect Competition .

  4. 小额信贷产生和发展的理论基础包括金融抑制理论,金融深化理论,不完全竞争理论,交易费用理论以及制度变迁理论。

    The theory basement of the emergency and development of micro-credit includes the financial repression theory , financial deepening theory , incomplete competition theory , transaction cost theory , and institution variance theory .

  5. 正是在这种不完全竞争贸易理论的产生和发展过程中,战略性贸易理论也就自然而然的产生了。

    The strategic trade policy emerged along with the new trade theories .

  6. 完全与不完全竞争市场理论则着重研究企业与竞争形态的关系确定企业行为。

    Complete and incomplete competitive marketing theories stress that the relation between corporation and competitive forms determines the corporation actions .

  7. 这部分简要地对信用、信用体系和农村信用机制等相关概念进行了界定,并且回顾了有关农村信用体系的相关理论,包括不完全竞争市场理论、信息不对称理论、激励理论以及交易成本理论。

    The concept including credits credit system and the credit structure , the theoretical foundation including the imperfect competitive market theory , information asymmetrical theory , drive theory as well as transaction cost theory .

  8. 20世纪60年代以来,国际贸易理论开始了一场悄悄的革命,以产业内贸易理论为代表的不完全竞争贸易理论成为战后国际贸易的最新前沿。

    Since the 1960s , there has been a silent revolution in the international trade theory ; the trade theory of imperfect competition represented by intra-industry trade theory becomes the newest front of international trade after World War ⅱ .

  9. 首先,笔者简述中小股份制商业银行贷款定价的相关理论:信贷配给理论、不完全市场竞争理论、利率决定理论。

    First of all , the author Outlines the related pricing theory of The Small and Medium-sized Joint-stock Commercial Bank of China : theory of interest rate decision , theory of credit rationing , theory of imperfect competition in the market .

  10. 本文首先对信贷、农村信贷等概念进行界定,并阐述了与本文研究相关的农村信贷补贴理论、农村金融市场理论以及不完全竞争市场理论等相关理论,分析了本文研究的理论基础。

    Finally , same countermeasures and suggestions are raised for improvement our country rural credit . Firstly , the credit and the rural credit are defined . It Introduce the theory of rural credit subsidies , the rural financial market theory and the theory of imperfect competition market .

  11. 因此,作者通过对知识经济时代下突显的规模报酬递增型经济增长模式的分析,将不完全竞争和RD理论引入农村经济增长理论,建立了一系列内生农业技术进步的经济增长模型。

    Therefore , through analyzing the salient economic increase mode by degrees of scale reward in the knowledge-based economy ages and introducing incompletion competition and RD theory into rural economic increase , the author establishes a series of economic growth mode of endogenous agriculture technique progresses .

  12. 20世纪60年代至80年代,博弈理论以及不完全信息博弈的分析工具给产业组织理论研究带来了全新的局面,得到了许多重要的不完全竞争理论成果。

    From 1960s to 1980s , the game theory and the analytical instrument of incomplete information game were largely used in the study of industry organization , which ushered in a new stage with many important models of incomplete competition established .