
  • 网络radical economics
  1. 激进经济学的劳动力市场分割理论和歧视理论述评

    The Theory of Labor Market Segmentation and Discrimination of Radical Economics

  2. 新马克思主义经济学又称激进经济学,是现代经济学的一个流派。

    The neo-Marxism economics , also known as the radical economics , is a school of modern economics .

  3. 激进经济学考察历史,并探索一套发展阶段的理论。

    Radical theories examine history and trace a theory of stages of development .

  4. 如同这里论及的其他流派一样,激进经济学远没成为一个完整的理论体系。

    Radical economics , like the other schools reviewed here , is far from a monolithic body of theory .

  5. 现代激进经济学渊源于李嘉图(与劳动价值论),并从马克思学说中获得武器。

    Modern radical economics grew from Ricardo ( and the labor theory of value ) and found its canon on Marx .

  6. 激进经济学对资本主义的批判,对我们认识当代资本主义有积极意义,对社会主义市场经济体制改革也有借鉴意义。

    The criticism of radical economics on capitalism is a positive contribution in the study of contemporary capitalism , and also a meaningful reference for the socialist market economic reform .