
  • 网络New Welfare Economics;newwelfareeconomics
  1. 福利经济学共经历了三个发展阶段:旧福利经济学、新福利经济学以及新福利经济学的新发展。

    The welfare economics can be fell into three stages : old welfare economics , new welfare economics and the new development of new welfare economics .

  2. 西方福利经济学是建立社会保障制度的理论基础,它的发展经历了旧福利经济学和新福利经济学两个时期。

    West welfare economics is the theory base of building social welfare system . It is consist of the old welfare economics and the new welfare economics .

  3. 新福利经济学反对政府对分配和生产的全面管制;反对收入均等化,主张合理的收入分配。

    New welfare economic school disagreed with government thorough control of distribution and production . They favored rational distribution instead of equal division .