
  1. 欧美公关业领导者认为数字媒体和社交媒体不仅是逃离新闻垄断的途径,还提供了创建一个更透明世界的可能性,甚至是必要性。

    Leaders of the PR industry both in the US and in Europe see in digital and social media not just a route of escape from journalistic tyranny , but also the possibility rather , the necessity of creating of a more transparent world .

  2. 二十世纪初,美国新闻业开始进入垄断、兼并的历史进程。

    At the beginning of the twentieth century , American journalism began to monopoly and mergers .

  3. 央视新闻频道由于其独特的地位和新闻资源优势,将会加剧中国电视新闻垄断竞争和有限合作的局面。

    CCTV-news will worsen the monoply competition and limited cooperation owning to its unique position and the advantage of news resources .

  4. 它制约了基层新闻媒体在报道上的权限,又带来主流媒体对重大新闻资源的垄断,导致媒体间竞争的不公平。

    It limits the report rights of the media at the basic level and brings the monopoly of the main media on the important news , resulting in unequal competition between the media .

  5. 本文认为这种媒体高度集中或垄断造成的新闻价值的削弱,新闻目标的偏离,无论对新闻从业者、受众还是国家而言都是灾难性的,因此必须采取必要的措施防范新闻垄断。

    The author points out that the media monopoly will lead to the weakening of news value and deviation from the news objective and therefore some measures must be taken to prevent media monopoly .