
  • 网络New classical economics
  1. 新古典经济学与新兴古典经济学比较研究

    The comparative study of neo classical economics and new classical economics

  2. 新兴古典经济学工业化理论之我见

    The Comments on the Industrialization Theory of New Classical Economics

  3. 跨国公司对中国FDI的新兴古典经济学解释

    The Multinational Corporations ' Neoclassical Economics Explanation to China 's FDI

  4. 国际货币体系演进的新兴古典经济学分析

    An emerging classical economic analysis of the International Monetary system evolution

  5. 新兴古典经济学理论的发展及其框架

    The Development of the New Classical Economics and Its Framework

  6. 新兴古典经济学:信息技术与中国城市化进程

    New Classical Economics : Information Technology and the Course of China 's Urbanization

  7. 论农业产业化:基于新兴古典经济学的分析框架

    By agricultural industrial production : Based on the Framework of New Classical Economics

  8. 经济发展与利率的决定:一个基于新兴古典经济学的分析

    Economy Development and Interest Rate Determinate : An Analysis Based on New Classical Economics

  9. 新兴古典经济学认为分工经济或内生比较优势是国际贸易利益的重要来源。

    The New-classic economic think that economy of division is sources of international trade .

  10. 对促进欠发达地区经济发展的再思考&基于新兴古典经济学的启示

    Thinking of promoting less developed district economy development & inspiration basing on new classic economics

  11. 分工与城市化:一种新兴古典经济学的解释及其现实意义

    Division of Labor and Urbanization & an Explanation of New Classical Economics and Its Realistic Significance

  12. 从古典到新兴古典经济学的专业化分工理论与当代产业集群的演进

    Theories of Specialization from Classical to New Classical Economics and Evolution of Contemporary Cluster of Industries

  13. 本文以新兴古典经济学的超边际分析方法,剖析了公路基础建设的经济学原理。

    The economics theory of highway foundation construction is analysed by the method of inframarginal analysis .

  14. 区域特色经济与新产业区的新兴古典经济学理论基础

    The New Classical Economic Theory Foundation of the Regional Characteristic Economy and the New Industrial District

  15. 本文利用新兴古典经济学和新制度经济学相结合的结果,以交易成本为主线,阐述了投资银行如何降低交易成本的机理。

    We explain how investment banking can down transaction costs with classic economics and new institutional economics .

  16. 摘要新兴古典经济学文献认为,经济的发展是一个分工演进的过程。

    The literature in neo-classic economics views the economic development as a process of labor division evolution .

  17. 基于新兴古典经济学、交易成本经济学的产业集群演进机理探析

    An Exploration on the Evolving Mechanisms for Industrial Clusters Based on New Classical Economics and Transaction Cost Economics

  18. 以杨小凯为代表的新兴古典经济学利用内生交易成本与外生交易成本之间的矛盾来分析外部性问题,将外部性理论研究推推进到了一个新高度。

    New classical economics presented by Xiao Yang pushes the study of the externality theory to a higher stage .

  19. 城市化进程与服务业、制造业发展的关系&一个新兴古典经济学的分析方法

    The Relationship of Urbanization and the Development of Manufacturing and Service Industries & An Emerging Classical Economic Analysis Method

  20. 新兴古典经济学的超边际分析,为分析企业制度演进提供了一个极好的思维框架。

    The inframarginal analysis of new classical economics provided a perfect reasoning way to analyses the evolution of firm institution .

  21. 新兴古典经济学分析框架为我们提供了对行政职能与成本进行分析研究的新视野与方法。

    New classical economics analytic framework provides us new vision and methods for the research of administrative functions and costs .

  22. 社会分工和专业化水平的提高,是商业产生、繁荣和持续发展的源泉,而社会分工和专业化水平的提高能够促进经济增长,是新兴古典经济学的思想精髓。

    The enhancement of social division and specialization can stimulate economic growth , which is the essence of new classical economics .

  23. 我国国有银行改革的新角度透视&在新兴古典经济学框架下的分析

    The reform of state owned bank of China from a new view ── The analysis in the new classical economics framework

  24. 珠江三角洲城市群发展的制度分析&从新兴古典经济学的角度分析

    Institutional System and the Development of the City Clusters of the Big Pearl River Delta & on Base of New Classical Economics

  25. 利用新兴古典经济学中超边际分析的方法对物流产业的形成机理进行了分析,并对物流产业的概念、结构和边界进行了严谨的界定。

    Later , the forming mechanism of logistics industry has been analyzed using inframarginal analysis and the concept , configuration and boundary have also been specified .

  26. 本文首先从对信息披露制度的争论提出问题,然后以新兴古典经济学视角研究证券市场信息披露制度。

    This paper puts forward the question from the disputation on information disclosure system , then discusses this question from the view of new classical economics .

  27. 在此基础上,论文通过新古典经济学模型方法与新兴古典经济学优化模型结合的方法进行电子商务对经济增长贡献的评价。

    On this basis , the dissertation combines model of neoclassical economics and new classical economics to assess E-commerce evaluation of the contribution to economic growth .

  28. 在博弈论和新兴古典经济学分析之上,构建了适宜森林依赖度的求解模型,计算出适宜的森林依赖度。

    Under the game theory and new developing classical economics , the model of solving suitable forest dependence level is structured and the result is calculated .

  29. 新兴古典经济学的突出贡献是复活了亚当·斯密的分工理论,而分工理论的复活也使流通的重要性凸显。

    The important theory contribution of new classical Economics is the revival of theory of the labor division , which also brings the rising of distribution theory .

  30. 运用新兴古典经济学的工具和思想分析西部开发问题具有理论和现实的迫切性。

    The authors point out that it is very urgent and important to study western development in China by using the tools and thoughts of New Classical Economics .