
  1. 洛翰得到的评价是:“‘我知道谁杀了我’不仅是她的最新败作,也是被杀害动物的哭泣。”

    As for Lohan , the group remarked : " 'I Know Who Killed Me ' isn 't just the title of Lindsay Lohan 's latest bomb , it 's the cry of the animals snuffed outs . "

  2. 继拉姆斯菲尔德之后,终于又有一位新保守主义英雄败下阵来。

    SO , after Donald Rumsfeld , another neocon hero bites the dust .

  3. 育种新技术&矮败小麦

    New technology-the short & abortion wheat variety

  4. 足球比赛的新赛制&三败赛

    Three & failure Match