
xiǎo zhǔ yǔ
  • minor subject
  1. 主谓谓语句里当大主语、小主语为受事与施事的分别时,是不用被动标志而能表示被动意义的句子格式。

    In a subject + verb + verb sentence , when the major and minor subject are the recipient and agent respectively , it is the sentence pattern of passive voice without the use of typical passive symbols .

  2. 小主语的只单纯表示被判断状态、存在、动作的主体。

    "" after sub - subject simply demonstrates subject matter of being judged , existence and action .

  3. 第三章从很多、很少的使用频率、组合关系、小主语位置的很多、很少的一些特殊组配情况等讨论很多、很少在使用层面上的不对称性。

    Chapter 3 discusses the asymmetry in expression between " Hen Duo " and " Hen Shao " with the frequency of utilization , the syntagmatic relation and some special combinations of " Hen Duo " and " Hen Shao " in the position of topic subject .

  4. N2作为小句的主语(N2)可以是第三人称代词他,也可以是零形式。

    The subject of the embedded clause ( N2 ) can be the third personal pronoun " ta ", it can also be null .

  5. 从形式上讲,包括名词主语、代词主语、小句作主语等等。

    In the form , it includes subject noun , subject pronoun , subject clause and so on .

  6. 其字还可以作主谓词组(或称小句)的主语,其不能作主语的说法应该否定。

    It is not the case that qi cannot act as subject for qi can act as the subject of the subject-predicate phrase ( or minimal sentence ) .