
  1. 白雪公主:别吃陌生人给的食物。(小学生守则第“n”条)

    Snow White : Don 't accept food from strangers .

  2. 《小学生守则》如何回归生活,如何促进小学生的养成教育应是其今后发展的重点。

    Therefore , how to enable " Regulations for Primary School Pupils " to return to life , and how to promote pupils nurturance education should be the emphases of its future development .

  3. 国家意识通过小学环境进行渗透:国家教育法、小学生守则和日常行为规范、校园、操场及教室。

    National awareness infiltrates through the environment of primary schools : the national education law , elementary student rules of primary and secondary school and daily behavior standards , elementary school campus , playground and the classroom .