
  • 网络Keypad;Keyboard;numpad;NUM LOCK;numlock
  1. 与微机通信采用RS-485串行总线标准,键盘采用符合AT标准的小键盘,对抱合机电机转速的控制采用模糊算法。

    The RS - 485 serial trunk standards are adopted in the communications between the control sysem and PC , with small keyboard up to the standard AT , while fuzzy algorithmic approach is used to control the motor revolution of cohesion tester .

  2. 系统参数的极限值可用系统设计的小键盘来随时设定。

    The system design a small keyboard to set the limitation value .

  3. 在小键盘上输入你的信用卡号。

    Punch your credit card number into the keypad .

  4. 小键盘终端或可选PC可以提供站点和栅栏线周围的每个区域的所有高电压读数的显示。

    The Keypad terminal or optional PC provides a display of the site and all high voltage readings for each zone around the fence line .

  5. 许多智能手机都附带了小键盘以及快速、持久的Internet连接,这得益于2.5G和3G手机数据网络的巨大发展。

    Many come with thumb keyboards and fast , always-on Internet connections because of the simultaneous massive growth of2.5G and3G cellular telephone data networks .

  6. 整字输入式汉字小键盘的研制

    Development of Chinese Character Small Keyboards With Whole Character Input Capability

  7. 利用小键盘输入汉字的思路与实现

    Study and implementation of Chinese character input technology with keypad

  8. 在外置键盘上,这些键位于数字小键盘上。

    On external keyboards , these keys are located above the numeric keypad .

  9. 这个小键盘真是要杀了我。

    This little keyboard is killing me .

  10. 一个数字小键盘模块恰好适用于相机选择,预先调整和旅游功能。

    A numeric keypad module is suited for camera selection , presets , and touring functions .

  11. 很多信息亭系统使用触摸屏或者硬件按键和小键盘,把键和屏幕上对象和功能对应起来。

    Most kiosks make use either of touch screens or hardware buttons and keypads that are mapped to objects and functions on the screen .

  12. 有小键盘,大键盘,触摸屏,手写等输入方式,甚至可以用耳机操作。

    Input text via the keypad , keyboard , onscreen keyboard or handwriting recognition , or go handsfree with speakerphone or wireless headset . You choose .

  13. 你可以使用鼠标点击你想要移动到的位置,或者使用小键盘。还可以自己设定使用哪些键。

    You can either point and click on the location you want to reach , or use the arrow keys . You can set up your keyboard the way you want .

  14. 可触摸板是用于嵌入式设备的最基本的用户交互设备之一―小键盘、传感器和滚动轮也包含在许多不同设备中以用于不同的用途。

    Touchable panels are one of the most basic user interaction devices for embedded devices & keypads , sensors , and roller wheels also are included in many different devices for various purposes .

  15. 这样,用户可以通过语音命令或使用小键盘进行选择,因此我们必需提供一个提示,用于说出可用选项的组合。

    This allows the user to speak the command or use the keypad to make the selection , so you have to provide a prompt that spells out the combination of selection options available .

  16. 本文从二百多万个实验数据中统计分析出通用小键盘连续击键键位相关速度当量矩阵。

    In this article , It is introduced how a global ASCII Keyboard succession character entry speed equivalence matrix , which is relative to the code location , is figured out from more than two million experiment data .

  17. 液晶显示屏和小键盘操作是微机保护仿真的主要部分,通过显示屏可以看到系统在正常时的潮流值,以及在发生故障时的相关故障信息。

    LCD screen and keyboard operation are major parts of microcomputer-based protection simulation , the system can be seen through the screen when the trend in the normal value , and the failure of the relevant fault information .

  18. 在天然部件分类系统的基础上,经过分解和合成,利用拉丁字母和数目字方面的规律,把49个部件类合并在电脑小键盘的31个键上,就成了编码部件。

    On the foundation of the classification system of natural components , and through composing and decomposing , the 49 categories of components are arranged on the 31 keys of a standard computer by applying the laws of Latin alphabet and numerals .

  19. 在电子产品中,键盘是最基本的输入设备,然而在应用中都采用通用的键盘扫描器件是不现实的,需要单独设计成专用的小键盘。

    Among the electronic products , keyboard is the most basic input device . However , it is unpractical to entirely adopt the universal keyboard-scan chip during the application , and it is required to singly design it to a special keyboard .

  20. 在该实验平台中采用了320×240大屏幕的液晶显示屏,可以显示16×16点阵的汉字20列×15行,并增加了小键盘。

    The platform owns one big LCD of 320 × 240 , so we can print 15 row and 20 column HanZi with dot array of 16 × 16 at one time . what 's more , it has also one little keyboard .

  21. 走通断桥的方式&触摸、可能与寻找论电视剧《历史的天空》的爱情模式有小键盘,大键盘,触摸屏,手写等输入方式,甚至可以用耳机操作。

    Way to Walk Through the Broken Bridge-to Touch and to Seek On Love Pattern in Soap Opera Historical Sky ; Input text via the keypad , keyboard , onscreen keyboard or handwriting recognition , or go handsfree with speakerphone or wireless headset . You choose .

  22. Zaurus与大部分PDA一样,也有一些通用键,不过它还有一个很小的隐藏键盘。

    The Zaurus has a selection of generic buttons , as most PDAs do , but it also has a small hidden keyboard .

  23. 敲击乐须能演奏小军鼓,键盘敲击乐器及定音鼓。

    Percussionists are required to perform with snare drum , keyboard percussion and timpani .

  24. 那么小的手机键盘,什么输入法也不会方便。

    The keyboard of the handset is too small to input conveniently with whatever input method .

  25. 平板电脑(个头比智能手机大,比手提电脑小,没有键盘)一直是个人电脑的死穴。

    Tablets ( bigger than a smartphone , smaller than a laptop , and without a keyboard ) have been the graveyard of personal computing .

  26. 这种过于严谨的用户界面低效且不自然,尤其不适合在小屏幕五键盘的掌上环境下应用。

    This inconvenient , formal , and unnatural user interface is not suitable for creative tasks , especially not applicable on handled environments , with small screens and no keyboards .

  27. 用于返回内容目录的Home键很小,而且位于键盘的最底部。

    The'Home'button for returning to the list of content on your Kindle is tiny and located at the very bottom of the keyboard .