
xiǎo huā
  • floret
小花[xiǎo huā]
  1. 通过几年研究,发现了A3胞质雄性不育系小花不败育;

    It was found that the floret of A 3 cytoplasmic male sterility line was not abortion .

  2. 本试验在小麦生长锥伸长期和小花突起期,在小麦茎间下居间分生组织中注射外源DNA,受体小麦当代出现供体小麦的性状。

    Exogenous DNA was injected into the intercalary meristem at stages from elongating of apical cones to differentiation of floret apex of winter wheat . In this generation ( H_0 ), the plants of acceptors appeared the characters of donors .

  3. 五彩缤纷的小花使得黑白图案不那么单调。

    The black and white pattern is relieved by tiny coloured flowers .

  4. 草地上零零星星地点缀着一些小花。

    The lawn is dotted with little flowers .

  5. 我低头一看,只见一朵枯萎的小花躺在他手里。

    I looked down and saw a small withered flower lying in his hands .

  6. 她在发簪的前端粘了一朵小花。

    She stuck a small flower onto the front of her hairpin .

  7. 这朵小花曾看见一支骆驼商队走过。

    The flower had once seen a caravan2 passing .

  8. 他只见过一朵花,一个有着三枚花瓣的花朵,一朵很不起眼的小花。

    It was a flower with three petals1 , a flower of no account at all .

  9. 这只小花栗鼠肚子饿了。

    This little chipmunk is hungry .

  10. 小花本身呈狭窄的管状结构,其中一侧发育成为长长的黄色带状物。

    The little flower itself is a narrow tube , one side of which grows out into a long yellow ribbon .

  11. 巨大的头状花序外面长有两排小绿叶,它们能够在“头状花序”只是蓓蕾时保护深藏其中的幼年小花。

    Outside the large flower-head is a double row of small green leaves , which protected the tiny flowers within when the " head " was only a bud .

  12. 橘黄色的小花从四周长出来,野花生长在墓地的任何地方,本都不是希奇的(补:但问题是,整个墓地,只有这个地方长着花)。

    Small , orange wildflowers were growing up around it . This might not have been so unusual except for the fact that they were the only flowers growing anywhere in the cemetery .

  13. 无论是春天、夏天还是秋天,草地和荒原上总是铺满了一层明黄色的小花,这种开着黄花的植物就是蒲公英。

    All through the summer , and during spring and autumn as well , our meadows and waste places are thickly dotted with the bright-yellow flowers of the common weed called the dandelion .

  14. 取下几朵黄色的小花仔细观察,就会发现,每一只花朵外面都长有白色细丝状的边缘结构。

    If we pull off some of the many small yellow flowers or florets that make up the flower-head , and look at them very carefully , we shall see that each has an outside fringe of white hairs .

  15. 然而,如果你将这样一个头状花序分解开来,就会发现,它其实由许多独立的小花构成,它们全部生长在花茎的垫状顶部,彼此紧密依靠在一起。

    But if you pull one of these flower-heads to pieces , you will find that it is really made up of a great many small separate flowers , which all grow close together on the cushion-shaped top of the flower-stalk .

  16. 奥运游泳运动员在线直播激起千层浪,泳坛逗比小花,耿直洪荒girl,傅爷火了!

    Olympic swimmer makes huge splash in China 's live-streaming world

  17. 小花龙血树超临界CO2萃取物的成分分析

    Analysis of Supercritical CO_2 Extraction of Dracaena cambodiana

  18. 此外,AVG处理明显抑制小花中ACC含量和乙烯释放量。

    ACC content and ethylene evolution rate from florets was lower by the AVG treatment .

  19. LIM家族的F9影响小花的形态,主要体现在雌蕊与雄蕊的发育;

    The expression of F9 gene could affect the morphology of pistils and stamens .

  20. 雌雄蕊原基分化期幼穗中高含量的ZR和iPA,小花分化数多,较高含量的ZR和iPA有利于小花分化。

    High contents of iPA and ZR at the pistil and stamen primordium differentiation stage could promote the formation of fertile florets per spike .

  21. 单棱期较高水平的GA3具有延长抽穗期的作用,而小花分化期较高水平的IAA含量则具有缩短抽穗期的作用。

    Higher GA3 content in single ridge stage might delay heading date , but higher IAA content in floret differentiation stage might shorten heading date .

  22. 向来喜欢耍耍小花招比伯在Twitter上说:“所有打算来我的世界巡回演唱会的人们,很抱歉巡演取消了。”

    The boy who loves pranks told his fans : " sorry to all of the people that were planning on coming to the world tour it has been canceled . "

  23. 在花托和小花形成阶段,芽内需要较高水平的ZRs、ABA和较低水平的GA(1+3)、IAA;

    At the formation of floral receptacle and floscule , high levels of ZRs , ABA and low level of GA1 + 3 , IAA were observed .

  24. Gryphon科技:全美的鸡尾酒里面配有多少把小花雨伞呢?

    Gryphon Scientific : How many cocktail umbrellas are there in a given time in the United States ?

  25. 两个基点两个品种追氮T3处理完善小花数目与对照T0差异达到显著或极显著水平。

    Compared to control , the number of well floret in treatment of T3 was significantly or highly significant higher than control in two cultivars .

  26. A.nuda×A.sterelis杂交(48朵小花),获得1个幼胚和4粒种子,杂交结实率10.4%,F1自交结实率48.1%。

    One embryo and 4 seeds with seed setting rate of 10.4 % were obtained . The rate of fertility of F 1 plants was 48.1 % . The wild type characteristics of A.

  27. 其中雄蕊分化期、雌蕊分化期分化速度最快,持续时间仅为3~5d,而从花序原基分化期至小花花萼分化期分化较慢。4.萼片分化期;

    The phase of carpel differentiation and pistil differentiation were were relatively short , only about 3-5 days , and the phase from inflorescence primordium differentiation to sepal differentiation is relatively long .

  28. 在冬小麦籽粒形成期(开花后约14天内),土壤干旱和施用外源ABA均可降低穗中部高位小花的结实率。

    The seed-setting rate of top floret in the mid-section of spikes in the grain deve - loping stage of winter wheat ( during the 14 days after the florescence ) can be reduced by soil drought and the application of external ABA .

  29. 结果表明:GA3处理能促进菊花提前开花5d,延长花期7d,增加小花数20.4%。

    The results showed the time of flowering after GA3 treatment were moved ahead for 5 d , the florescence was prolonged for 8 d and the number of small flower was increased for 20.4 % more than those of CK .

  30. Astred粗蛋白含量最高,粗纤维含量较低,岷山红三叶的小花数最多,Colenso茎叶比最低。

    The protein content is the highest and crude fiber is lowest of Astred . The floret number of Minshan is the most .