
  1. 试析莫里亚克小说题材

    Analysis of the themes of the novels by Francois Mauriac

  2. 论唐人小说题材的佛理因素磁力研磨机理及影响因素的研究

    Buddhism effect to Tang 's fictions Research on Mechanism of Magnetic Abrasive Finishing

  3. 市民尚奇心理与明代白话短篇小说题材的选择

    Citizen Psychology of Fancy and Theme Choice in Ming Dynasty Colloquialism Short Novels

  4. 政治与性爱:公众视角与私人情境&米兰·昆德拉小说题材的历史内涵与存在意味

    Politics and Sex : the Historical Connotations and Meanings of Being in Kundera 's Novels

  5. 她美丽而恐怖,多情而散漫,既是一种信仰对象,也是一个奇丽的文学形象,因而从她身上还可获得对相关民俗事象与小说题材的读解。

    From her , one may have an understanding of correlative folklore facts and fictive themes .

  6. 这种历史认知危机通过不可靠叙事者和反侦探小说题材这两种叙事形式被表达得淋漓尽致。

    The historical epistemological crisis is underlined by unreliable narrators and the genre of anti-detective fiction .

  7. 清中叶避祸心理对白话短篇小说题材的影响

    Influence on Vernacular Short Novels Themes by the Psychology of Refuge from Mishap in the Mid-Qing dynasty

  8. 战后大众小说题材广泛、内容丰富、艺术性也得到了提高。

    After the second world war , the broadness of themes fall content and artistic have been improved .

  9. 尤其是他们从传统和西方现代主义那里吸取养分,对乡土小说题材的处理进行了创新和开拓。

    Especially , they assimilate nutrients from the tradition and the westward , which exploit and innovate on the country novels .

  10. 在此基础上,对这三种视角所适用的小说题材、模式、语言、风格等作具体而深入的分析。

    On this basis , the subject , pattern , language and style of the fictions that suit these three angles are deeply analysed .

  11. 弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫是一位具有丰富想象力与杰出创造性的现代派的女作家,她对现代小说题材与形式的探索作出了巨大的贡献。

    As an imaginative and innovative modernist , Virginia Woolf has made a great contribution to the exploration both in the subject matter and the form of modern fiction .

  12. 刘震云的小说题材内容广泛,大量书写展现了日常生活中的荒诞存在、历史演绎中的荒诞存在与权力追逐中的荒诞存在。

    His novels have a wide range of subjects ; show the existence of absurdity in the daily life , in the historical deduction and in the pursuit of power .

  13. 在十八世纪英国文坛上,笛福不仅继承并发展了具有英国民族特色的小说题材,并且以自己的创作风格为现实主义小说开创了道路。

    On British literary world of 18 century , Defoe not only inherits and develops the novel subject that has British national characteristic , and is taking own creation style as realistic novel have started road .

  14. 本文通过对陈映真文学创作的相关评论进行考察分析,从小说题材、内涵、艺术三个方面对其进行了总结,指出了其中值得借鉴的一些经验,还存在的问题以及仍然需要努力的方向。

    This article reviews the criticisms , summarizes its ' characteristics from Chen 's novels theme 、 intention and art , points out its ' experience which deserves to be used for 、 shortcomings and something still need to be tried hard to do .

  15. 如汉语分裂句主要运用与口语和小说题材中,而英语分裂句更多的运用于专业语篇中。(2)通过相关数据揭示出两大构式在句法层面的一些特点。

    For example , Chinese clefts are frequently used in spoken and fiction ; whereas English clefts are highly used in the " academic " genre . ( 2 ) The statistic displays that , there are some features in the syntactic forms of the focus in different constructions .

  16. 第四章,主要讨论小说的题材问题。

    The fourth chapter is mainly concerned with the subject matters .

  17. 第二章,介绍晚清时事小说的题材。

    The second chapter introduce the subject matter of current affairs novels .

  18. 现实生活是所有优秀小说的题材。

    Real life is the stuff of all good novels .

  19. 第一节指出,七月派小说的题材领域。

    Section I points out the subject scopes of the July novels .

  20. 新时期长篇历史小说的题材大为拓展。

    The theme of new-age historical novel is greatly broadened .

  21. 因而小说的题材又多与政治有密切的关系,言王政所由兴废也。

    Thus the novel theme also is related with politics .

  22. 三层茧内:华人小说的题材自限

    The Limitation of Subject Concerns in Chinese Diaspora Fiction

  23. 十七年抗战小说在题材处理上,对抗日战争时期敌后斗争的历史表现出特有的热情。

    The writers showed characteristic enthusiasm on unearthing the struggle histories of the Anti-Japanese War .

  24. 外星人和天外来客长期以来一直是好莱坞电影和科幻小说的题材。

    Space aliens and extraterrestrials have long been popular subjects of Hollywood movies and science fiction literature .

  25. 改造民族灵魂的创作情怀&从萧红小说创作题材说起

    On Creative Thoughts and Feelings of Reforming National Soul & some points about Xiao Hong 's theme

  26. 我有许多写短篇小说的题材,但发现难于落笔。

    I have lots of ideas for short stories but find it difficult to put pen to paper .

  27. 选材严开掘深&论沙汀短篇小说创作题材的特色

    Strict Material selection Deep Exploitation and Excavation & On the features of Sha Ting 's short stories writing themes

  28. 她取材于亲身经历,把母亲和自己的人生经历作为小说的题材和创作背景。

    She takes the personal experiences of her mother and herself as the subjects and the writing backgrounds of her novels .

  29. 汉译佛典影响于隋唐五代小说创作题材,前贤已多有发现。

    Former worthies have found that Buddhist scripture had a great impact on the Sui Tan novels and the Five dynasties novels .

  30. 他们开创的表现人情风貌的世态讽刺、风俗讽刺丰富了现代讽刺小说的题材、手法乃至风格。

    They create performance generally favor the features of irony , custom irony abundant modem satires , skill and style of the subject matter .