
  • 网络The Pussycat Dolls;Pussycat Doll
  1. 我的小野猫,别再这样乱跑了。

    My wild little girl . don 't disappear like that .

  2. 产于从得克萨斯到巴西的带斑点的小野猫。

    Small spotted wildcat found from Texas to Brazil .

  3. 亚洲南部和马来西亚的有斑点的小野猫。

    Small spotted wildcat of southern Asia and malaysia .

  4. 你就像一只小野猫。

    You are like a wild little cat .

  5. 大概,在史前,农夫发现:小野猫让他的粮食免遭鼠灾。

    Perhaps a prehistoric farmer discovered that a small wild cat kept rats and mice out of his grain .

  6. 我看着远处一只黄色的小野猫儿躺在石灰台上懒懒地睡着了,时不时的它还甩动几下自己的尾巴。

    I could see far way there was a yellow cat lying on the step , sleeping laxly with its tail swaying now and again .

  7. 我的志向是长大后,“我要出名,我要成为明星,我想拍电影。我的愿望是长大后周游世界,开名车,有一群死党”,就像小野猫乐队的歌词里说的那样。

    I thought when I grow up , I want to be famous . I want to be a star . I want to be in movies . When I grow up I want to see the world , drive nice cars , I want to have groupies . To quote the Pussycat Dolls .

  8. 艾达说她过世的丈夫和托尔多之间的感情非常深,他在托尔多才3个月大的时候就把这只小母猫从野猫收留所领养了回来。

    Ada says that her late husband shared a particularly strong bond with Toldo -- He 'd adopted the feline from a cat colony when he was just 3 months old .