
  1. 小米的CEO雷军在11月28号当众展示了小米的虚拟助手小爱,而一些人说这简直就是火车事故现场。

    Xiaomi CEO Lei Jun 's presentation of Xiaomi 's virtual assistant Xiao Ai on Nov. 28 was described by some as a train wreck .

  2. 手表上使用了小米公司自己的默认虚拟数字助理“小爱助手”。MiWatch定价为1299元人民币(合185美元),下周将在国内上市销售。

    The company 's own XiaoAI assistant is the default virtual digital assistant on the watch . The Mi Watch is priced at CNY 1299 ( $ 185 ) and will go on sale in the country next week .

  3. 小爱露薏丝是个有一双柔和又乌溜溜眼睛的美丽女孩。

    Little Alois was a pretty girl with soft dark eyes .

  4. 离别削减小爱,却增添大爱。

    Absence diminishes little passions and increases great ones .

  5. 你们还记得她的那只小爱狼吧。

    You remember about her pet wolf .

  6. 一首快活的小爱曲*

    A gay little love melody

  7. 所有的小爱最终都变成了大爱,这大爱支持他们奋斗到最后。

    All the small loves eventually become one big love that supports each of them and keeps them fighting to the end .

  8. 我猜他想跟她跳点小舞…做一点小爱…今天晚上就把她”解决”掉。

    CHANDLER : Well , I 'm guessing he wants to do a little dance ... ya know , make a little love ... well pretty much get down tonight .

  9. 不过,虽然小爱当天并没能惊艳到观众,但却敲定了一笔不错的生意:由于小米和宜家建立了新的战略合作关系,以后小米的语音助手小爱就能控制这家瑞典家具品牌的智能家居了,比如他们的台灯。

    Despite not dazzling the audience , Xiao Ai made a pretty good deal for itself that day . The voice assistant will be able to control Ikea 's smart devices like lamps , under a new strategic cooperation deal with the Swedish furniture maker .

  10. 他小时候爱看北欧的传奇故事。

    As a child he loved to read the Norse sagas .

  11. 你知道,我看到你对我没有好感,我在考虑该怎么办才能让这个小畜生爱我呢?

    You see , I perceived that you did not love me .

  12. 我很小就爱看赛马。

    I got hooked when I was a kid .

  13. 他现在很壮,但他童年时又小又爱生病。

    Strong as he is now , he was small and sickly in his childhood .

  14. 小男孩爱用父亲的工具摆弄皮革碎料。

    The boy liked to play with pieces of leather , using his father 's tools .

  15. 这也是小海蒂爱的帮助下,生病的腿不能走路的贵族小姐克拉拉也鼓起生活的勇气。

    It is also small Heidi love help , ailing legs can not walk aristocratic Miss Clara also muster the courage to life .

  16. 我的小嘴爱说,爱笑,最爱吃,我要吃遍天下所有的美食!

    Love of my small mouth says , the love laughs , the most keen eats . I want to eat a world good food .

  17. 我工作时,我的小女儿老爱打扰我

    My little daughter is always bothering me when I 'm at work .

  18. 结论:小剂量利维爱能有效提高BMD,是防治绝经后骨质疏松症的安全有效药物。

    Conclusion The results suggest Livial could increase BMD , and it is a safe drug in prevention and cure of osteoporosis after menostasis .

  19. 那个小男孩总爱用衣服擦手。

    That little boy always dries his hands on his clothes .

  20. 这是我小时候最爱的游戏!

    This-this was my game when I was a kid !

  21. 小个子,爱怎么看随你。另一人道,

    Look all you want , the other one said .

  22. 那个小男孩非常爱你。

    That the young boy loves you very much .

  23. 她偷走了我小女儿最爱的玩具。

    She stole my youngest child 's favorite toy .

  24. 两个小黑人,爱和阳光作游戏。

    Two little nigger boys sitting in the sun ;

  25. 莉莉,一个三岁半的小女孩,爱她的位于纽约皇后区的托儿所。

    LILY , who is three-and-a-half , loves her nursery school in Queens .

  26. 小美人鱼很爱王子,不过她的脚却很疼痛。

    The little mermaid loved the prince , but her feet hurt very much .

  27. 小剂量利维爱用于反加疗法,与其它反加方案组比更具优越性。

    Low dose Tibolone is a better option than other estrogen and progestin therapy .

  28. 小剂量利维爱治疗绝经后骨质疏松的临床疗效观察

    Observation of clinical curative effect of small-dose Livial in the treatment of osteoporosis after menostasis

  29. 太好了!我小时候就爱玩儿雪。

    B : Great ! I enjoyed playing with snow when I was a child .

  30. 未发育完全的小姑娘很爱难为情的。

    Undeveloped teen girls are very self-conscious .