
  1. 宋元小说话本志疑

    Some Doubts about the Texts of Novels in the Song and Yuan Dynasty

  2. 为市井细民写心&论宋元小说话本的写实精神中国写实油画中人物精神风貌的演变

    Describing the Spirits for the Townspeople Stratum & Discussing the Reality Spirits of Novels of a Script in the Song and Yuan Dynasty ; The Evolution of Characters ' Sprits in Chinese Realistic Paintings

  3. 以及d对近现代言情、侦探等通俗小说和话本、笔记等古典小说形式的借用与改造。

    And d , imitating and transforming the forms of popular fiction such as love and detective story and classical fiction such as scripts for story-telling and literary sketches .

  4. 在历史小说与拟话本小说创作均走向衰弱的清中叶,杜纲的小说保持着难得的文人独创品格,也奠定了他在中国通俗小说史上的地位。

    When history fiction and the vernacular classical fiction tended to become decline , his fictions keep the original spirit and established the important status .

  5. 老师告诉我们,明、清章回小说是宋代话本的变体。

    The teacher told us that the novels of the Ming and Qing Dynasty takes its origin from the script for story-telling in Song and Yuan folk literature .

  6. 进而表明:我国历史小说由讲史话本向章回说部的过渡,其实是民间创作向个人创作的转变;

    All this further indicates that the transition of China 's historical novel , from text of story to chapter novel is indeed the change from folk literature to individual writing .

  7. 《型世言》是一部淹没了三百多年的明代拟话本小说集,可谓话本小说大系中的一朵奇葩。

    Having been buried out over three hundred years , Xing Shi Yan which can be called as an exotic flower in this big family is a collection of stories in Ming Dynasty .

  8. 再者,晚明文言小说为通俗小说提供了大量可借鉴的艺术题材和创作经验,对通俗小说特别是拟话本小说的繁荣产生了很大的影响。

    Furthermore in late Ming Dynasty , classical Chinese novels for popular novels provide a lot of drawing art theme and the creation of popular novels , especially the novels of boom has produced great influence .