
xiǎo kǎo
  • mid-term examination;quiz;test
小考 [xiǎo kǎo]
  • [mid-term examination;quiz;test] 指在学期当中对学生所作的考试

小考[xiǎo kǎo]
  1. 他没有通过这次小考。

    He failed to pass this quiz .

  2. 哦、哦!我忘了我明天也要小考!

    O-oh I forgot I will have a quiz , too !

  3. 《红楼梦》吸烟小考

    The Study of smoking in A Dream of Red Mansions

  4. 我国古代棕榈科植物栽培应用小考

    On the Cultivation History and Utilization Culture of Palm Plants In China

  5. 本课程特色在于作业及小考范例可供下载。

    This course features downloadable assignments and sample quizzes .

  6. 我经常有小考和测验。

    I have quizzes and tests all the time .

  7. 王维《相思》春秋二字小考乘性和加性噪声相关背景下的二维谐波频率估计

    Two-Dimensional Frequency Estimation in Correlative Multiplicative and Additive Noise

  8. 另外也有汉字小考。

    There are also a few Kanji quizzes .

  9. 巴巫张修小考

    A Research of Wizard Zhang Xiu in Ba

  10. 泼水节溯源与传播小考

    The Origin and Spread of Water Pouring Festival

  11. 明天有一次小考。

    There 'll be a test tomorrow .

  12. 不过这次小考,我花了四天准备!

    Four days I prepared for it !

  13. 我们下个中文小考是什么时候?

    When is our next Chinese quiz ?

  14. 一经学生开始小考。

    Once students begin the quiz .

  15. 美国电池市场小考

    A Survey of American Battery Market

  16. 为确保每个人都有座位,请在小考当天参加指定的教学课程。

    To ensure everyone has a seat , please attend your assigned tutorial on quiz days .

  17. 如果课堂讨论情况良好则还包括即兴的阅读课堂小考。

    There also may be impromptu reading quizzes , depending on how well class discussions go .

  18. 会有两次随堂(三十分钟)小考和一次教室内的期末考。

    There will be two in-class ( 30 minute ) quizzes and a sit-down final exam .

  19. 他告诉我每个大考,每个小考,每篇报告加在一起就是你的最后成绩。

    He meant every test , every quiz , every paper adds up to the final grade .

  20. “活活土猛安”与“背也山谋克”小考

    A textual research into " huo Huo Tu Meng an " and " bei Ye Shah Mou ke "

  21. 思考并回答这些习题,这是准备多重选择题小考及测验的最好方法。

    Thinking about and answering these problems is the best way to prepare for the multiple-choice quizzes and the exams .

  22. 你若在习题和小考中表现良好,期末考应该会考好。

    If you did well on the problem sets and quizzes , you should do well on the final exam .

  23. 由上述研究结果,研究者想针对“作业”与“小考”续作深入探讨,了解微积分作业和小考的实施方法是否适合学生?

    By above results , researcher wants to further investigate homework assignments and quiz to see that if they are advisable .

  24. 客家话否定词“(口+盲)”小考&从香港新界客家话说起

    Notes on the Negative Word ' ■ ' in Hakka Dialects & Start from Hakka Dialect of New Territories , Hong Kong

  25. 每堂讲习课将有字汇小考,并在每一课结束后会有一个20至25分钟的随课测验。

    A Vocabulary Quiz is given in each FACT class , and a20-to-25-minute Lesson Quiz is given at the end of each lesson .

  26. 你坐在课堂里。你的老师发回小考考卷,像这样的小考考卷。

    You 're sitting there in class , and your teacher is handing back quiz papers , and one of them looks like this .

  27. 主题有返校,临时小考,母亲拉我下床,为中国朋友安排约会,抢劫,性,允许入学等。

    The topics include back to school , pop quiz , mom steals my blanket , blind date for Chinese friend , robbery , sex , university acceptance and the others .

  28. 明天我们会为了小考复习一下,关于这个东西我会告诉你更多一点,关于这个我们也会复习一下练习题。

    OK , so tomorrow we are going to review for the test , so I 'm going to tell you a bit more about this also as we go over one practice problem on that .

  29. 解出简单代数问题的速度可以准确预测微积分的学期成绩,预测低效果相当于整学期的作业、小考、期中考加上期末考。

    The speed with which they solved a simple algebra problem was as good a predictor of the final grade in Calculus as a whole semester of homework , tests , midterms , and a final .

  30. 戏剧分析课每周上两次,每次九十分钟,每星期得研读两部剧本,每堂课开始时,会举行一场二十题是非题的小考,测验我们是否预习了剧本。

    The play analysis class met for 90 minutes twice a week . We read two plays a week and we took a 20-question true or false quiz at the beginning of the session that tested little more than whether or not we 'd read the play .