
  • 网络Little crow
  1. 他赐食给走兽,和啼叫的小乌鸦。兽比翼线虫属一新种(线虫纲:小杆目)

    " He gives food to every beast , and to the young ravens in answer to their cry . " A New Species of the Genus Mammomonogamus , from Hainan Province , China ;

  2. 小嘴乌鸦繁殖习性的初步观察

    A Preliminary Observation on the Reproductive Habits of Carrion-Crow

  3. 突然那乌黑黑的人层变做了哑噤。小嘴乌鸦:一种普通的欧洲乌鸦(小嘴乌鸦),有光滑的黑色羽毛。

    A sudden silence fell upon the crowd . carrion crow : a common European crow ( Corvus corone ) having glossy black plumage .

  4. 小狐狸被乌鸦啄死了。

    The fox cub had been pecked to death by crows .

  5. 即使龟蛋幸免于浣熊、臭鼬和鼬鼠之口,孵化出小海龟还要逃脱乌鸦、牛蛙和蛇的伤害。

    If eggs survive coons , skunks , and moles , hatchlings must still run a gantlet of crows , bullfrogs , and snakes .