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  • 网络The Village;hamlet;Little Village;Omura
  1. 即使生在巴黎的家庭也经常声称,他们“其实”来自曾祖父离开的小村。

    Even parisian-born families often claim they are " really " from the hamlet that great-grandfather left .

  2. 中国广东省小村白坭塘,距灯火辉煌的香港约150公里。

    The Chinese hamlet of bainitang is some 150 kilometres up river from the bright lights of Hong Kong .

  3. 小村庄星罗棋布于乡间。

    Small villages dot the countryside .

  4. 他隐居在威尔士一个偏僻的小村舍里。

    He is incommunicado in a secluded cottage in Wales .

  5. 他在这个中世纪小村开了三家餐厅:米其林二星级L'Enclume、Rogan&Company以及最近开业的Pig&Whistle。附近农庄什么新鲜,这里就做什么。

    His three restaurants in the medieval village - the Michelin two-starred L'Enclume , Rogan & Company and his most recent addition , the Pig & Whistle - have menus featuring whatever 's fresh on his nearby farm .

  6. 英国美食风景线延伸到了伦敦之外,名厨西蒙·洛根(SimonRogan)功不可没,在他的帮助下,湖区(LakeDistrict)的卡特梅尔小村摇身一变,成了英格兰最出人意料的美食胜地。

    The British dining scene is expanding beyond London , and the chef Simon Rogan deserves much of the credit , having helped elevate the Lake District village of Cartmel into one of England 's most unlikely culinary destinations .

  7. 在小村(Capala)的神社圣尊就诚恳的并且明确的让人理解宣布他将要放弃住世的意愿。

    And at the Little village ( Capala ) shrine the Blessed One thus mindfully and clearly comprehending renounced his will to live on .

  8. 索尔迪尼出生在卢加诺,瑞士,于1951年,目前居住在Ligornetto,瑞士的一个小村附近意大利边境的作品。

    Soldini was born in Lugano , Switzerland , in1951 , and presently resides and works in Ligornetto , a small Swiss Village near Italy 's border .

  9. 时间回到2000年,五兄弟买了小村HagaHaga旁边一块180公顷(约445英亩)的土地,此处距东伦敦市北60公里,是南非的门户,也是科萨族的心腹地带。

    Back in 2000 five friends bought a 180 hectare ( 445 acres ) piece of land near the small village of Haga Haga , 60km north of East London and on the door step of South Africa 's Xhosa heartland .

  10. 至少,这是苏格兰小村启马科姆(Kilmacolm)中一些殷实的居民对“风之丘”(Windyhill)的评价。这栋房子毫不妥协的水泥及石头外观,令它看起来确实有点朴实无华。

    At least that 's what some of the well-heeled residents of the Scottish village of Kilmacolm say of Windyhill - and the house does look somewhat austere , with its uncompromising cement and stone exterior .

  11. 这些女孩从小村,学习在政府学校。

    These girls come from poor villages and study in government schools .

  12. 目前正在对该村庄的三个小村进行调查。

    Three hamlets within the village are currently under investigation .

  13. 据说费林利这个小村里有棵“该诅咒的树”。

    The tiny village of Frinley is said possesss a'cursed tree ' .

  14. 他现在住在一个僻静的小村。

    He is now living in a retired little village .

  15. 荒野上有个小村,住着少数几户人家。

    There is a village with several households in a wild land .

  16. 在那个遥远的小村落里整年下雪。

    It snows all the year round in that distant little village .

  17. 微小的典型我的奶奶一直都住在小村舍里。

    My grandma has been living in a tiny cottage .

  18. 一层雪覆盖了小村。

    A covering of snow blanketed the small village .

  19. 一层雪覆盖了小村。渗透率差异小的储层

    A covering of snow blanketed the small village . low permeability contrast reservior

  20. 暴风雨给小村造成大面积破坏。

    The storm took its toll on the village .

  21. 他们住在遥远的小村。

    They live in a small village far away .

  22. 这位电影明星最后跑到一个荒避的小村舍躲了起来。

    The film star eventually went to earth in a small , out-of-the-way cottage .

  23. 南通市调整合并小村的实践与思考

    Nantong City 's Practice of Adjusting and Merging Small Villages and Thinking About It

  24. 洪水将危及这个小村村民的生命安全。

    The flood will threaten the life security of people in the small village .

  25. 在回家的路上,我们在一个叫普都顿的小村逗留。

    On the way home , we stopped at a small village called puddleton .

  26. 他住在一个小村里,而你也住在小区里。

    And he lived in a village , and you live in the Village ...

  27. 这个小村望而却步的农民整天在街角慵散地走动著。

    The farmers in the small village slouch about at street corner all day .

  28. 我们决定走到小村舍那儿,因为附近有条河。

    We decided to walk to the cottage , as there was a river nearby .

  29. 小村被雪封了一个多月。

    The mountain village was cut off by the snow for more than a month .

  30. 琉璃厂文化街最早是辽代城郊的一个穷僻小村。

    Liulichang Street , the earliest culture is a poor suburb Liao Dynasty Pi village .