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  1. 其实介绍了使国王回到我的衣服,王服,如百科书。

    Actually introduced by making the king back to my clothes , royal clothing , such as Encyclopedia of the book .

  2. “这是日本必须做出的决定,不然中国会采取进一步行动,”北京航空航天大学的一名国际政治分析专家王想尿如是说。

    " This was a move that Japan had to make or China would have taken further steps ," said Wang Xiangsui , a foreign-policy analyst at the Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics .

  3. 汉文摩尼教典籍中的“平等王”并非如某些学者所言,相当于中国佛教中的“阎罗王”,而应是该教的主神之一“夷数”,其原型来自基督教的“耶稣”。

    As one of main gods in Manichaeism , King of the justice in Chinese classics of Manichaeism was not the King of Hell in Chinese Buddhism but was Yishu , which originated from Jenus Christ .

  4. 一个正直无过和一心尊敬神的人,是不会害怕王的,就如新约的施洗约翰一样。

    When a man does that , like John the Baptist , he is not afraid of any king !

  5. 王的震怒,如杀人的使者。但智慧人能止息王怒。

    The wrath of the king is like those who give news of death , but a wise man will put peace in place of it .