
  • 网络little miss;little lady
  1. 她在阳光小小姐的地区赛中得了亚军?

    She was runner-up in the regional little miss sunshine ?

  2. 将会荣膺阳光小小姐的称号!

    Will be crowned little miss sunshine !

  3. 媚兰小姐,是我让小小姐在黑暗中受了惊呢。

    Miss melly , it wuz me as sceered lil miss of de dahk .

  4. 小玛菲特小姐坐在垫子上,吃着凝乳和乳清

    Little miss muffet sat on a tuffet eating some curds and whey .

  5. 小敏小姐,你过来一下。有事情要帮忙。

    Amy , come over , we need your help .

  6. 年纪小的小姐身上的是猴子毛。

    And young madam 's is monkey .

  7. 亲爱的小格蕾丝·贝戴尔小姐:

    Miss Grace Bedell My dear little Miss

  8. 把一些诸如快乐先生和小阳光小姐的雕像放在你的办公桌附近提醒你经常微笑并松开眉头。

    Have a few figurines near your work desk such as Mr Happy and Little Miss Sunshine to remind you to smile more often and lose that frown .

  9. 你现在麻烦不小,罗森伯格小姐。

    You are in a great deal trouble , miss rothenberg .

  10. 他是个小白脸.沃森小姐!

    He 's a morsel . Miss Watson ! He 's a favor .

  11. 为了准备班级竞赛的小测试,高小姐正在读一本书。

    Miss Guo is reading a book to prepare a quiz for a class competition .

  12. 假如上帝赞美魔鬼,社会主义者歌颂小布尔乔亚,苏小姐听了也不会这样惊奇。

    If God had praised the devil or a socialist had eulogized the petty bourgeoisie , Miss Su could not have been more astonished .