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  1. XRD表明主晶相为α-alumina。

    XRD indicated the major crystal phase was α - alumina .

  2. εf,颗粒相为Kp?

    ε f , while particle phase model is K p ?

  3. 结果表明,甚至当液相为不可压缩时,由于束缚空气的存在,饱水土体中亦存在着两种P波。

    It is shown that so long as the restrained gas exists , there are two P waves and one S wave , even though the fluid phase is incompressible .

  4. 数字鉴相为MIT系统鉴相提供了一种更理想的方法。

    The digital phase difference detection provides a kind of effective method for MIT system .

  5. 对显微组织的分析和理论计算表明,含稀土Ce锡银铜无铅钎料组织中的黑色的富Ce相为Ce与Sn的化合物。

    The microstructure analyses and theoretical calculation indicated that the black cerium-rich phase is a compound of Sn and Ce .

  6. 将溶胶拉丝,烧结后即可得到ZrO2纤维,通过XRD分析确定ZrO2纤维的物相为亚稳态的四方相。

    After spinning and sintering , Zirconia fiber was obtained .

  7. 针对每相为二极管箝位三电平H桥级联的结构特点,分析了基于载波层叠和载波移相思想进行组合的三种传统的载波调制方法,给出了具体的实现方案。

    Considering characters of three-level H-bridge structure with clamped-diode each phase , three carrier modulation schemes based on cascaded carriers and phase shifted consideration are presented . 3 .

  8. 靶温度超过400℃时,析出相为金属间化合物Al3Ti。

    When temperature exceeds 400 ℃, the precipitates detected are intermetallic compound Al_3Ti .

  9. 借助于XRD分析和SEM分析,发现该系统乳浊釉为分相乳浊釉,主要乳浊相为分相液滴。

    We found that the glaze belonged to opalescent glaze of splitting glass phase , and the primary opalescent phase was glass drops by XRD and SEM analysis .

  10. 在初晶相为鳞石英的平板玻璃中加入千分之几的P2O5后对析晶性能的影响与初晶相为硅灰石的平板玻璃是不同的。

    The effect of addition of P_2O_5 in a few thousandths on the devitrification behavior of plate glass with primary phase of tridymite is different from that with primary phase of wollastonite .

  11. 方法:采用RPHPLC法,流动相为乙腈水磷酸(1∶2∶0.1),检测波长为203nm。

    METHODS Using RP HPLC , the mobile phase consisted acetonitrile water phosphoric acid ( 1 ∶ 2 ∶ 0.1 ), the detection wavelength was 203 nm .

  12. XRD分析表明,所获得的镀层主要相为Co(OH)2,热处理后转变为Co3O4。

    XRD analyses demonstrate that the main phase of the as-deposited layer is ( Co ( OH ) _2 ,) which is transformed to Co_3O_4 after heat treatment .

  13. 研究结果表明:当无机/有机比例为60/100时,水化24h后复合材料无机相为HAp。

    Results showed that as the ratio of inorganic / organic was 60:100 , the inorganic phase of the composite was HAp after 24h rehydration .

  14. 电位测量和腐蚀后铝阳极表面的电子探针面扫描分析表明:富Sn相为阳极相,富Fe相、富RE相为阴极相;

    The potential tests of segregation phases and EMPA surface scan analysis of corroded aluminum anodes showed that Sn phase is anodic phase , Fe phase and RE phase are cathodic phases .

  15. X-射线(XRD)分析表明,用此类粉体烧制的陶瓷材料其主晶相为La2Ti2O7,副相为Ba-La2Ti4O12。

    Through X-ray diffraction analysis , the ceramic material obtained by the sintered nano powders has the chief crystal phrase of La_2Ti_2O_7 , and the second chief one of BaLa_2Ti_4O_ ( 12 ) .

  16. 病人血样经液-液一步提取后在C8柱上分析,流动相为甲醇:去离子水(75:25),检测波长为UV214nm。

    Mobile phase was methanol : deionized water ( 75:25 ), and the detector was UV-214 nm .

  17. 方法:采用HPLC法,流动相为甲醇-水(75∶25),检测波长为516nm。

    Methods : Using HPLC , the mobile phase consisted methanol-water ( 75 ∶ 25 ), the detection wavelength was 516 nm .

  18. 深色析出相为Ti-Si和Ti-Cu金属间化合物。

    The deep color precipitation phase is the high-heat intermetallic compound of Ti-Si and the intermetallic compound of Ti-Cu .

  19. 结果表明:该合金具有较好的室温拉伸性能,合金主要强化相为δ′(Al3Li)和δ′/β复合相。

    The results show that the alloy has better room temperature tensile properties and the main hardening phases of the alloy are δ′ and δ′ / β compound phases .

  20. 采用梯度洗脱及蒸发光散射检测器(ELSD),流动相为氯仿-异丙醇-水系统。

    Evaporative light scattering detector ( HPLC-ELSD ) and gradient eluted program were used and the mobile phase system was chloroform isopropanol water .

  21. 色谱柱固定相为SE-30,柱温140℃和190℃,氢气作载气。

    SE-30 is used as the stationery phase . The column temperature is 140 ℃ and 190 ℃, and the hydrogen gas is helium .

  22. 铸件合金层厚度均匀,基体组织为树枝状的奥氏体,增强相为二次碳化物(Cr,Fe)7C3和渗碳体型碳化物Fe3W3C。

    Casting composite layer is even and firm , the matrix structure of composition is dendroid austenite , and the reinforced phase is secondary carbide ( Cr , Fe ) 7C 3 and cementite-like carbide Fe 3W 3C .

  23. 结果表明,钢结硬质合金主要组成相为TiC和Fe-Cr-Ni固溶体,硬质相TiC颗粒细小,形状规则,大部分在1μm以下;

    The results show that the phase of steel bonded carbides mainly consists of TiC and Fe-Cr-Ni solid solution . The synthesized TiC particles are fine , and most of them are less than 1 μ m.

  24. 发现在600℃高温球磨过程中发生了碳热还原反应,产物相为AlON相;

    The results showed that carbothermal reduction occurred in the process of high energy ball milling at high temperature 600 ℃ and AlON intermediate phase was formed .

  25. X射线衍射分析与能谱分析表明,未变质合金中的针状富铁相为Al9FeSi3,复合变质使粗大针状富铁相消失,生成鱼骨状富铈富铁相Al8CeFe4。

    The needle form of rich-iron phase is ( Al_9FeSi_3 ), which is proved by X-ray diffraction analysis and X-ray energy spectrum analysis . After compound modification treatment , the needle form of rich-iron phase disappeared and the fish bone form of rich-iron and rich-Ce phase that is Al_8CeFe emerged .

  26. 流动相为乙腈-0.1%磷酸水溶液(75∶25);流速为1.0mL·min-1;

    Mobile phase of acetonitrile-0.1 % phosphoric acid solution ( 75 ∶ 25 ) mixture , flow rate 1.0 mL · min - 1 ;

  27. 本文采用Hummers法制备的纳米氧化石墨片(GO)作为稳定剂来制备油相为可聚合单体甲基丙烯酸甲酉(MMA)的Pickering乳液,并对此Pickering乳液进行聚合反应。

    In this paper , we use nano graphite oxide sheets ( GO ) prepared according to Hummers method as the stabilizer to prepare the Pickering emulsion using methyl methacrylate ( MMA ) as the oil phase .

  28. 对焙烧产物进行了XRD分析,得出其主要物相为K2SO4、C3A和C2S,并确定其热分解化学方程式,进行热力学计算。

    An XRD analysis of the calcination product shows that its main phases are K_2SO_4 , C_3A and C_2S , the chemical equation for thermal decomposition is determined , and a thermodynamic calculation is made .

  29. XRD及SEM研究结果表明:Al4SiC4陶瓷在1200~1500℃的氧化表面物相为Al2O3和铝硅酸盐玻璃;而高温氧化表面(1600℃~1700℃)的物相由Al2O3,莫来石和铝硅酸盐玻璃构成。

    Mol-1 . The results of XRD and SEM indicated that the oxide phase composition of the oxidation surface is composed of Al2O3 and aluminosilicate glass for the lower oxidation temperature (≤ 1500 ℃), or Al2O3 , mullite and aluminosilicate glass for the higher oxidation temperature (≥ 1600 ℃) .

  30. 研究发现:非晶Fe73.5Cu1Nb3Si13.5B9表面产生了少量晶化,晶化相为Fe-Si结构;

    It is discovered that small amount of crystallization occurred on the surface of the Fe_ ( 73.5 ) Cu_1Nb_3Si_ ( 13.5 ) B_9 amorphous soft magnetic alloy , the crystallization phase being Fe-Si structure ;