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xiānɡ yuè
  • ninth lunar month
  1. 朴载相定于11月28日和29日分别在泰国和澳门演出。

    Psy is set to perform in Thailand on Nov. 28 and in Macau on Nov. 29 .

  2. 哈珀姆和其他人表示,周四的这次摇晃相较于1月9日的那次地震而言,算是比较微弱的了。

    Harpham and others said Thursday 's shaking was weak in comparison to the rumble caused by the Jan.9 quake .

  3. 以此模拟分布为理论观测值,提出三通道&两通道相结合的月壤厚度反演方法。

    Furthermore , taking these simulations as observations , an inversion method of lunar regolith layer thickness is developed by using three - or two-channels brightness temperatures .

  4. 结论猪肝门静脉的力学特性随增龄发生变化,在实施猪→人异种肝移植时应选择与人肝门静脉力学特性相匹配的月龄猪作为供体。

    Conclusion The mechanical properties of hepatic portal vein of pig change with aging , the pig matched the mechanical property of hepatic portal vein of human should be chosen for liver xenotransplantation .

  5. Psy原名朴载相,自7月《江南Style》发布以来已经成为了国际明星。

    Psy , whose real name is Park Jae-sang , has become an international star since Gangnam Style 's release in July .

  6. 各种商店在社区内争相开张,12月,时尚品牌AcneStudios将在这里开分店,护肤专营店Aesop也将随之而来。

    Stores will be adding cachet to the neighborhood soon ; an outlet of the fashion label Acne Studios opened in December , with Aesop , a skin-care specialist , soon to follow .

  7. 你的另外一个幸运日是水星与你的主宰行星&天王星相联接的5月20日。

    Your other fortunate day will be May20 , when Mercury will signal your ruling planet , Uranus .

  8. 气相色谱法测定月见草籽超临界流体萃取物中有效成分的含量临界流量理论用于内燃机进气流量的分析

    Determination of Active Ingredient in the Supercritical Fluid Extractive Matter of Evening Primrose Seeds with Gas Chromatograph . Analysis of critical flowrate theory for intake processes in ICE

  9. 与同龄正常组相比较,3月龄高血压鼠电镜下已有血管内皮损害,肾小球基底膜亦见轻度增厚,尿蛋白增多,且与血压及血管内皮病变呈正相关;

    Results In three month old SHR , electronic microscopic observation demonstrated early impairment of vessel endothelium and slight lesion of glomerular basement membrane compared with age matched controls .

  10. 谨慎的做法是拥有一笔相等于六个月薪金的储蓄,在股市和房地产市场突然下滑或是急需现金时,可作为保障。

    The prudent approach is to have a savings amounting to six-month salary which can be used as protection when the stock market and real estate market suddenly slide or you are in urgent need of cash .