
  • 网络Believe in the future;believe in future
  1. 用美丽的雪花写下:相信未来。

    And write with beautiful snowflakes : Believe in the Future .

  2. 用孩子的笔体写下:相信未来。

    And write with a child-like hand : Believe in the Future .

  3. 如果你不努力创造未来,那是因为你不相信未来的存在。——《女子监狱》

    If you 're not building a future , that 's because you don 't believe there is a future .

  4. “职业虚景”指的是老板为你的工作描绘出的那一层薄薄的发展前景,可能会包括职业升迁、薪水增长以及更多发展机会等,这样描绘的目的是为了让你相信未来会比现在更好。

    Career veneer1 refers to the thin layer of potential for career advancement2 , increase in pay and future opportunities that an employer paints on your job to convince you that the future holds something more than you are currently experiencing . For example :

  5. 本文还存在着很多的不足,我相信未来会有更好的研究方法进一步完善对ERP数据质量的管理。

    In this paper , there are still many deficiencies , future studies using different research methods can be further improved .

  6. 我们从今年起开始了网上搜索,事实上我们相信未来的发展正是这种趋势,一家名为大中华精英的模特机构的副总裁DavidLim说。

    We are searching online from this year and in fact we believe this trend will be the future , said David Lim , deputy chief executive of model agency Elite Greater China .

  7. 我相信未来的OSGi标准会使用JSR294的模块,尽管还有一些建议的改变。

    I 'm sure that it will be possible for a future OSGi standard to use JSR294 's modules , although there are some changes suggested .

  8. 鉴于6月份工业产出反弹,我们相信未来几个月PMI将开始上升,澳新银行(ANZ)经济学家在一份研究简报中表示。

    As industrial production rebounded in June , we believe the PMI will also start to climb in the coming months , ANZ economists said in a research note .

  9. 我相信未来中国的农业是好。

    I believe the future of China 's agriculture is OK .

  10. 我们相信未来将成为具体事件的导向。

    We actually think the future 's going to be event-driven .

  11. 我之所以坚定地相信未来。

    The reason why I believe so resolutely in the future is .

  12. 朋友,坚定地相信未来吧,

    Friends , please let us believe in the future ,

  13. 为什么我们应该相信未来就像过去?

    Why should we believe the future has been like the past ?

  14. 我不知道自己是否相信未来。

    I don 't know weather I believe in a future life .

  15. 是我相信未来人们的眼睛,

    I believe in the eyes of the people of the future ,

  16. 我们是一群相信未来的人

    We are a people who believe the future is our friend .

  17. 我之所以坚定地相信未来,

    The reason why I believe so resolutely in the future is :

  18. 相信未来、热爱生命。

    Believe in the Future : believe in Life .

  19. 幸运的是,依然相信未来是美好的。

    What may be uprising is to still hold belief in the future .

  20. 你真的相信未来某一天地球会因为气候变暖而毁灭吗?

    Do you really think that global warming will destroy Earth some day ?

  21. 所以我相信未来的“你们”,是一个充满着无限可能的“你”。

    So I believe the future " you " is an infinite you .

  22. 虽然现实是残酷的,但是我相信未来是美好的。

    While the reality is cruel , but I believe the future is bright .

  23. 要相信未来一定是美好的。

    To believe that the future is bright .

  24. 相信未来热爱生命&浅论食指及其诗歌

    Believe in future , ardently love life & On Shi Zhi and his poems

  25. 虽然经历了那里发生的一切,他仍然相信未来会更好。

    Despite all he has endured , he remains confident better times are ahead .

  26. 这些让你相信未来的机遇

    It 's those opportunities , the ones that make you believe in the future

  27. 别相信未来,哪怕未来多么欢乐!

    Trust no future . howe'er pleasant !

  28. 别相信未来,哪怕未来多么欢乐

    Trust no future , however pleasant

  29. 如果你相信未来是黑暗的,那未来就会展现另外一面给你。

    If you believed firmly your dark prospect , then future maybe show another side to you .

  30. 我为我们驱动世界的使命而兴奋不已,并相信未来终将成功。

    I am excited by our mission of empowering the world and believe in our future success .