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  1. v.屈尊;降格相从他们应该改变这种不好的习惯,而屈身去和正常的人一同欢笑。

    condescend They should change this bad habit and condescend to be pleased what is pleasing .

  2. 随着EVA含量或EVA中VA含量的增加,EVA相从分散颗粒逐渐转变到连续网络,且随着这种形态转变,材料便从脆性过渡到韧性;

    During increasing EVA content , the morphology of EVA phase of the blend changes from dispersed particles to continuous network , accompanied by making the blend from brittleness to ductility ;

  3. 并结合了地震台网的定位方法,由单台记录的各类主要震相从J-B走时表得到震中距,然后进行地震定位。

    Then combining with the method of earthquake locating for seismic network in which , the epicenter distance can be obtained from J-B travel timetable based on different types of main phases of earthquake recorded at a single substation , and locate the earthquake .

  4. 合传,其内容通俗、时代意识显著、多用以类相从的写法;

    Co-biographies . Ther are popular content and remarkable era consciousness ;

  5. 富钙玻璃相从结构上估计是属于逆性玻璃。

    CaO enriched glass phase is estimated as invert glass from its structure .

  6. 用正己烷-乙醇-水三元双液相从亚麻籽提油脱氰苷

    Simultaneous extraction of oil and cyanogenic glycosides from flaxseed with two-liquid-phase system Three jottings

  7. 古火山口相从苦橄质到安山质高分异岩浆喷发;

    Magma eruptions with high fractionation from picritic to andesitic in magma chambers of vents .

  8. 转相从一个阶段变到另一阶段,如月相变化或季节变化。

    To go from one phase to another , as the moon or the seasons .

  9. 欲相从,难渡世间河,无奈地从你的面前走过,寂寞如影入眉心。

    For phase from , difficult river crossing the world , but to walk from your front , lonely as a shadow into the eyebrows .

  10. 在正常的条件下,与矿化有关的金属微粒以某种方式随气相从地壳深部迁移到地表。

    In the normal condition , metal particulate which is related to mineralization can be transported by the gas in certain way from the depth to the surface .

  11. 纵向上,随地层变新,其沉积相从三角洲前缘亚相至三角洲平原亚相再到河流相,物性呈变好趋势。

    The reservoir properties display a trend of improvement upwards while the strata get newer and the sedimentary facies change from deltaic front to deltaic plain and to fluvial .

  12. 不必花天酒地,亦无须相从过密,两盏清茶,一夕畅谈,实在是胜过太多虚浮的繁文缛节。

    Do not have to live a debauched life , we need not phase from cross-dense , two tea , talked about overnight , it is better than too much red tape and impractical .

  13. 在这一模型中,随着P/C增加,聚合物相从作为水泥基相中的分散相到与水泥相共同形成网络,直到最后成为水泥相分散在其中的基相。

    In this model , the polymer phase varies from dispersions in cement to forming a network with the cement phase and finally , to becoming a matrix that the cement phase disperses in it .

  14. 铝硅合金经过常规腐蚀处理后,其中的富铁相与共晶组织中的硅相从形态和色泽上难以分辨,从而影响组织鉴别。

    After routine corrosion treatment , it is difficult to distinguish the iron-rich phase from the silicon phase in eutectic organization by color and configuration , and the organization analysis of alloy can hardly be mode .

  15. 其沉积相从下往上依次为洪积扇(扇根)-洪积扇(扇中)-洪积扇(扇端)-河流沼泽相沉积,气候温和,植被茂盛。

    The sedimentary facies were from the bottom up alluvial fans ( fan root ) - alluvial fans ( fan in ) - alluvial fans ( fan side ) - River marsh facies , mild climate , lush vegetation .

  16. 由下向上,其沉积相从深海相经浊积岩盆地相变化到斜坡滨岸相。辽河滩海西部古近系沙河街组沉积特征与沉积相研究

    From ⅰ to ⅱ, the sedimentary facies changed from abyssal facies to turbidite facies , then to littoral facies ; Study on the Sedimentary Characteristics and Sedimentary Facies of the Eogene Shahejie Formation in the Western Beach Area of Liaohe Basin

  17. 结果表明,随着分离时间的增加,越来越多的富铁相从中心区迁移到边部,当时间达到60秒时,绝大部分的富铁相都迁移到试样的边缘,均匀的分布在表层。

    When the separation time increased , more and more iron-rich phases would transfer from the center to the outer region . When the separation time was 60s , most of the ron-rich phases were removed to the edge of the sample and distributed evenly .

  18. 班固写的《汉书·食货志》上有下面的记载:“冬,民既人;妇人同巷相从夜绩,女工一月得四十五日。”

    In the chapter " Foods and Goods " of The Chronicles of the Han Dynasty , the great historian Ban Gu states : " In winter people stay indoors . Women get together to spin hemp threads at night . They manage to work forty-five days in a month . "

  19. 研究了SiC及其复相陶瓷从室温到1200℃的高温摩擦学性能。

    The tribological characteristics of SiC and its composites self-mated couples from room temperature to 1200 ℃ was studied .

  20. 用高效液相层析法从猪血PMNL中提取白三烯B4(LTB4)。

    LTB4 was extracted from porcine blood with the help of HPLC .

  21. 将上述的研究成果加以整合,并采用面向对象开发工具Visualc++6.0和符合工业标准的开放式图形库OpenGL相结合从底层开发了地形建模及可视化分析工具。

    The research results above integrated , the kit of terrain modeling and analysis visually has been developed in junction with Visual C + + 6.0 and OpenGL .

  22. Mg-Zn-Y三元合金熔体在室温冷却过程中,准晶相直接从液相形核、长大。

    The I-phases directly nucleate and grow from melt of cooling Mg-Zn-Y ternary alloys .

  23. 方法用C18反相高效液相层析从蛇毒粗毒中分离纯化出PLA2同源物,并检测其纯度。

    Methods The PLA2 homologue was isolated and purified by reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography ( HPLC ) and its purity was determined also by HPLC .

  24. Al替代Zr使非晶合金薄带试样的过冷液相区从46K升高到50K,而以掺杂方式添加时却使其降低为31K。

    The undercooled liquid region of the amorphous alloy ribbons is increased from 41 K to 50 K in substituting methods while is decreased to 31 K in doping method .

  25. 填充催化剂370kg,主要对催化剂的稳定性和再生性能进行了考察,单周期考察结果为:液相收率从90%至86%,芳烃含量由38%降至30%。

    The stability and regeneration of the catalyst was mainly studied . The single cycle reaction investigations showed that when the yield of liquid phase decreased from 90 % to 86 % , the content of aromatic hydrocarbon decreased from 38 % to 30 % .

  26. 双水相分配结合温度诱导相分离从酵母中提取谷胱甘肽

    Separation of glutathione by aqueous two - phase extraction combined with temperature - induced phase separation

  27. 可是没多久他又一脸严肃相,从这儿取根别针,在那儿用粉笔划个记号。

    But then he became serious again and took out a pin somewhere and made another chalk-mark .

  28. 通过硅胶柱层析并结合薄层层析和制备高压液相,从培养得到的愈伤组织中分离鉴定出目标次生代谢产物橄榄苦甙。

    Oleuropein was also separated from the secondary metabolite of the callus culture via silica gel chromatography and prep.

  29. 在薄膜体系中,随着纳米颗粒浓度增加,我们观察到体系自组装相结构从层状到穿孔层状、柱状、球状的转变。

    With nanoparticle concentration increasing , we observed structures transition from lamella to perforated lamella , cylinder , and sphere in the film .

  30. 支化结构使分散相区域从球状向棒状形式的相变点提前,通过热力学模型分析,对这一现象进行了理论解释。

    And the branched structure caused an early transition of the separated domain from the sphere-like to the rod-like , which was interpreted theoretically through a thermodynamic model .