
  • 网络Minamisoma
  1. 尽管在此之后外部辐射回到了几乎无害的水平,樱井市长还是担心一些从南相马市疏散的居民可能不会再回到市里。

    Even though external radiation has since returned to near-harmless levels , Mr Sakurai fears many of Minamisoma 's evacuees may never come back .

  2. 四面楚歌的政府从南相马市长胜信樱井的话语中我们很容易感受到人们对于未来的担忧。

    A government under siege The palpable fear of the unknown can be heard in the words of Katsunobu Sakurai , the mayor of Minamisoma .

  3. 年3月25日星期五,日本福岛县相马市,为福岛核设施泄露而设立的避难中心里,一位妇女一动不动地坐在那里。

    A woman sits motionless at an evacuee center for leaked radiation from the damaged fukushima nuclear facilities friday march 25 2011 in soma fukushima prefecture japan.2011

  4. 2011年日本东北部遭遇地震和海啸灾难之后,为了鼓励孩子们一起演奏音乐,ElSistema推动成立了相马市儿童管弦乐与合唱团(SomaChildren'sOrchestraandChorus)。

    The Soma Children 's Orchestra and Chorus was established after the 2011 earthquake and tsunami ravaged the northeastern part of Japan , to encourage children there to make music communally .

  5. 日本政府把佐藤居住的南相马市划入莫名其妙的“室内疏散区”。

    Indoor evacuation makes no sense because you cannot stay at home all the time .

  6. 这就是他一直不相信南相马市能恢复原样的原因。

    It was why he continued to discourage hope that the town could get back to normal .

  7. 在一些已展开清理工作的地方,如南相马市,并无人指导该怎样处理强放射性物质。

    In a few places where the work has begun , such as Minami-Soma , people are given no guidance on handling hot material .

  8. 上周末,我跟我的同事、常驻东京的自由记者高山秀子乘车在南相马市四处转悠了一圈,拜访了这座核废城。

    As such , to cruise through minamisoma , as I did this past weekend with a colleague , Tokyo-based freelance reporter hideko Takayama , is to visit a nuclear ghost town .

  9. 芝口先生能理性估计自己所遭受的辐射风险,但是他害怕自己女儿在这种可能有毒的环境中长大,他说:“我不会回去,我跟南相马市缘分已尽。”

    He is rational about the radiation risks to himself , but fears his daughter growing up in such a potentially poisonous environment . " I 'm done with it , " he says .

  10. 他表示,在自己服务于南相马市的30多载里,无论是东京电力公司还是日本政府,谁都从未说过,提前为可能发生的紧急核事故做准备,才是上策。

    At no point in the 30 years he has worked for the city , he says , did TEPCO or the government say it would be a good idea to prepare for a possible nuclear emergency .

  11. 至于南相马市,那里的居民受够了为几乎没有为他们带来利益的核电站造成的核事故买单——毕竟那个核电站几乎把所有的电力都供给了东京市。

    As for Minamisoma , its residents are fed up with paying the price for a nuclear accident at a plant that brought them little benefit - after all , it sent nearly all its electricity to Tokyo .

  12. 测量青花菜的辐射量形似钢笔的放射量测量器戴在樱井胜延的脖子上,这位不知疲倦的南相马市市长正在测量他在过去两周中吸收的累积辐射量,而核噩梦已经持续四个周了。

    Giving the brassicas a once-over A PEN-LIKE dosimeter hangs around the neck of Katsunobu Sakurai , the tireless mayor of Minamisoma , measuring the accumulated radiation to which he has been exposed during the past two weeks of a four-week nuclear nightmare .

  13. 居住在南相马市郊区的41岁针灸医师芝口上先生说他永远不会回去,即便是他一贫如洗,即便是要和妻子以及4岁的女儿睡在避难所的地板上。

    Takashi Shibaguchi , a 41-year-old acupuncturist who lived on the outskirts of the town , says he will never return home , even though he has no money and is sleeping on the floor of an evacuation shelter with his wife and four-year-old daughter .

  14. 据安德鲁斯报道,像这样的设施只有附近的相马市才有,但“它一天只能处理三头野猪(一周21头,一年才只有1092头,与13000头还差得很远)”。

    Andrews reports that a facility like this exists in the nearby city of Soma , but " it can only handle three boars a day ( or 21 a week , which is only 1092 each year ; not quite 13000 ) , " he says .