
xiāng kè
  • restriction or checking relation in five elements
相克 [xiāng kè]
  • [restriction or checking relation in five elements] 五行学说术语。借木、火、土、金、水五种物质之间互相制约和排斥的关系,来说明脏腑之间相互制约的生理现象。其次序是木克土、土克水、水克火、火克金、金克木。近人习惯将它与反常的相乘混同,如病理的木乘土,也称木克土

相克[xiāng kè]
  1. 他父母不同意他们结婚,担心他俩的命相克。

    His parents disapproved of the marriage because of ill-matched horoscopes .

  2. 这个功能我用得很多。这绝对为P族添加了先前没有的东西&它为P族带来了机动性和新的兵种相克性。

    I played with this mechanic quite a bit and it definitely adds something to the Protoss that wasn 't there before .

  3. 甜与蜜不相克,欢与乐总交融。

    Sweets with sweets war not , joy delights in joy .

  4. 利用生物相克进行生态农业虫害治理

    Application of biology mutual restriction in pest management of ecological agriculture

  5. 这是事物之间相克失常的异常表现。

    This is the abnormal manifestation of disorder of inter-restriction among things .

  6. 食物相克的微量元素学说

    A Trace Element Theory of the Mutual Actions of Foods

  7. 浮游生物植化相克时滞微分方程周期解的存在性

    Existence of periodic solution for a delay differential equation of Plankton Allelopathy

  8. 奇怪的相克的人类感情!

    A strange denial of the common pulse of humanity .

  9. 脉冲浮游生物植化相克模型解的渐近行为

    Asymptotic Behavior of a Periodic Impulsive Ordinary Differential Equations Model of Plankton Allelopathy

  10. 中国人相信有些生肖天生相克。

    Chinese people believe some animals are natural enemies .

  11. 相克意味着控制或抑制。

    Restriction means bringing under control or restraint .

  12. 隔网对抗类(乒乓球、网球)项目比赛中相克现象的初步研究

    Study on the Phenomenon of " Mutual Restraint " in Matches of Net Sports

  13. 植物毒素抑制,植物相克一种植物的生长因另一种植物所产生的化学物质而被抑制

    The inhibition of growth in one species of plants by chemicals produced by another species

  14. 你要想办法用相克的角色慢慢的干掉对方!

    You must think of ways to use the role of allelopathy slowly kill each other !

  15. 用径向基方法求解辨识抛物方程边界的反问题一类浮游生物植化相克抛物方程

    Solving the Inverse Problem of Determining the Boundary of a Parabolic Equation by Radial Basis Method

  16. 新单位将改变兵种相克的体系以及影响对手的应对方法。

    New units change the counter scheme or how the opposing player must use their units .

  17. 它们包括:(1)通过品种结构调整,解决鱼菱相克的矛盾;

    These techniques include : ( 1 ) solving the antagonistic contradiction between water caltrop and fishes ;

  18. 植物间生化相克作用的研究&生化相克物质对稻、麦、油菜幼苗器官生长的影响

    STUDY ON ALLELOPATHY AMONG PLANTS & Effect on Organ Growth of Wheat , Rice and Rope Seedings by Allelochemicals

  19. 大豆秸秆对小麦幼苗生长有他感相克作用,而对大豆幼苗生长有自感相生作用,使其生物产量增加19.8%;

    Soybean straw had minus-allelopathic effect on the seedling growth of wheat and plus-allelopathic effect on soybean , it decreased the biological yield for19.8 % .

  20. 游戏在三尺之局中融入了兵种、武将、天文和地理等数十种属性,不同的属性相克相生。

    In game three feet into the Bureau of the arms , generals , astronomy and geography , and so on dozens of properties , different properties with Aioi grams .

  21. 小麦秸秆对小麦、玉米和大豆幼苗生长都有相克作用,使其生物量分别减少50.8%、5.1%和24.9%。

    Wheat straw had minus-allelopathic effect on the seedling growth of wheat , maize and soybean all , it decreased the biological yields for 50.8 % , 5.1 % and 24.9 % .

  22. 相克的原则如下:木克土、土克水、水克火、火克金、金克木。

    The order of restriction goes as follows : wood restricts earth , earth does water , water does fire , fire does metal , and metal , in turn , does wood .

  23. 这五行是指金、木、水、火、土。它们之间的相生、相克、相乘、相侮是宇宙间一切事物运动和变化的基本规律。

    The relations between waxing are interpolation , interaction , over action and counter-action , which are believed to be the common law of the motions and changes of the creatures in the universe .

  24. 而五行相克来源于五材的具体特性,与四时五方之理不同,故有关五脏相克的内容无研究必要。

    But restriction among the five elements comes from the properties of five materials , so it is not uniform with four seasons-five directions . It is not necessary to explore the contents about restriction among the five elements .