
  • 网络sumo match
  1. 只有一个站立式柜台,成瓶的腌制的下酒菜,当地工人站着一边喝酒一边观看电视相扑比赛。

    A single standing-only counter , jars of pickled bar food and local workers sighing over sumo wrestling on TV .

  2. 站立式酒吧恰如其名。傍晚时分,这个由冰激凌小店改造的酒吧里,长长的柜台前熙熙攘攘地站满了本地的熟客,兴高采烈地彼此交谈。头顶上,电视中播放着相扑比赛,一个个彪形大汉如雷霆般向对方冲击。

    Stand-up means exactly what it sounds like , and the long counter of this former ice cream parlor was crowded on a late afternoon with regulars watching sumo wrestling on television .

  3. 2007年,小报披露了日本国家运动——相扑的操纵比赛丑闻。

    In2007 the tabloids broke the allegations of match-fixingin sumo wrestling , the national sport .

  4. 日本传统的“婴儿啼哭大赛”于上周日举行,参赛婴儿在相扑手的怀中比赛啼哭,以向神灵祈求健康。

    Japan 's traditional Nakizumo , or crying sumo , festival took place Sunday as babies competed to bawl the loudest in the arms of sumo wrestlers as a prayer to the gods for good health .