- upright;regular;be properly in place

[upright;be properly in place] 〈方〉∶端庄;端正大方
She has regular features .
The child has regular features .
Put your hat on straight .
Investigators were yesterday struggling to unravel Sir Allen Stanford 's vast pan-American business network .
And then there are Bank of America and Citigroup , the two banks facing the most intense pressure from investors this week ; together they employ more than half a million people .
Finance ministry experts are scrambling to wrap up technical talks this week with officials from the European Commission , the IMF and the ECB with the aim of reaching a deal with eurozone finance ministers in Riga on April 24 .
Rebels are making new claims this week about the Syrian government using these weapons .
Despite the O-bon summer holiday season , volumes traded in Japan were the most active in8 weeks .
There is even a single seller of small , sad-looking artificial trees at the downscale local market near our house .
In response , a delegation of Saudi trade officials and businessmen is travelling to China this week to discuss the claims .
In that spirit , consider the voyages of Admiral Zheng He , as the600th anniversary of the first one is celebrated in China this week .
LEO : If you 've recently been stressed out , a time of healing is now at hand . Also , new sources of income could soon appear .
And the like of you to come to any honest man 's house , and want to be into a decent Bachelor gentleman 's room at this time in the morning .
Whereas real stars you think of Tiger Woods he 's been off golf for months , comes back after that knee operation and there he is , he wins that tournament last week .
Growing to return a week is affirmative , whole body month white long robe , in the hand one handle periodical , ferocious on seeing , arrive to also have several charming dashing sensibility of dividing .
But it 's not good enough just to have your own " shit " together * Life is really all about your ability to interact with others & this energy appears so you can take it to the next level .
Just as the algae problem appears to be worsening , Xinhua news agency said this week pest-killers were trying to prevent a plague of locusts in Inner Mongolia from descending on Beijing - adding to the sense of near-biblical woes afflicting China .