
  1. 周文化在齐国的传播与发展

    The Spread and Development of Zhou Culture in Qi State

  2. 实际上,该地区的周文化因素极有可能也与鲁国有关。

    In fact , the Zhou cultural factor most likely relates to the state of Lu .

  3. 作为周文化遗存的《诗经》,正是这一文化精神的具体体现。

    Agriculture promoted the progress of civilization and formed their farming culture which was embodied in The Book of Songs .

  4. 考古发掘中经常发现的楚式陶鬲,曾是区别江汉楚文化和中原商、周文化的一个重要的标准性器物。

    Widely-found Chu-style pottery tripod li is an important standard object to tell the Chu culture in Jianghan region apart from the Shang and Zhou culture in central China .

  5. 竞渡中的巫风与其他习俗源于夏、周时代,屈原为代表的楚辞作家,正是继承与发扬了夏、周文化。

    The article also investigates the witchcraft originating Xia dynasty in the dragon boat contests and the writers studying Quyuan , which inherits and develops the culture of Xia Dynasty .

  6. 泰伯“端委以治周礼”表明代表当时先进文化的周文化对蛮夷土著文化的渗透和交融。

    Tai Bo administrated the country with Zhou 's etiquette , which showed the infiltration and blend from the advanced Zhou 's culture to the original Man Yi 's culture .

  7. 周人在商人的废墟上立国,传承殷商祭祀文化,并进行了诸多改革,从而形成独特的周文化。

    The people in the Zhou dynasty destroyed the Shang and founded their own country . Through plenty of vital reforms on the sacrificial culture of the Shang , the unique culture of Zhou took shape .