
dào zuò
  • rice-planting;paddy cultivation
  1. 中国稻作文化的起源和东传

    The Origin and Eastward Spread or Rice-Planting Culture of China

  2. 神农与湖南稻作文化

    Shennong and the rice-planting culture of Hunan Province

  3. Pb和Cd是导致地区稻作类型间差异的主要因子。

    It therefore could be concluded that Pb and Cd were the main factors resulting in the difference of rice cropping type in different regions .

  4. 以云南立体气候类型并结合云南省的5个稻作分区,应用GIS等技术分析研究了云南地方稻种资源蒸煮和食用品质的生态地理分布。

    Be based on ' stereoscopic climate ' and 5 main rice zones in Yunnan , the ecological distribution of cooling and edible quality of Yunnan local rice germplasm was analysed by using Geographic Information System ( GIS ) .

  5. 利用云南省128个县所属的气候类型并结合云南区域内的5个稻作分区,应用GIS、Excel、Foxpro等软件分析研究了云南地方稻种资源外观品质的生态地理分布。

    The ecological distribution of appearance quality of Yunnan local rice germplasm were analysed by using software GIS , Excel and Foxpro combined with climates of 128 counties in 5 Yunnan rice zones .

  6. 壮族稻作技术发展述略(上)

    Development History of Rice-growing Techniques in Zhuang Nationality ( I )

  7. 关于中国稻作起源证据的讨论与商榷

    The Discussion and Deliberation about the Original Evidence of Chinese Rice

  8. 稻作文化旅游与旅游发展若干问题研究

    Study on Rice Culture Tour and Several Problems of Tour Development

  9. 彝族自然崇拜与稻作祭仪

    Nature worship and rice culture sacrificial ceremonies of the Yi people

  10. 我国南方丘陵山地的稻作梯田

    Terraced paddy fields in rolling areas and mountainous regions in South China

  11. 略论河南境内史前稻作农业

    On the Prehistorical Agriculture Based on Rice in Henan Province

  12. 株洲原始稻作与炎帝文化初探

    Preliminary Research of Original Rice Cultivation and Yan Emperor Culture in Zhuzhou

  13. 岭南史前稻作农耕文化述论

    An Analysis about South China pre-historical Paddy Agricultural Till Culture

  14. 云南元阳梯田稻作传统农业生态系统中鞘翅目昆虫多样性研究

    Diversity of Coleoptera Insects in Rice Planting Traditional Ecosystem of Yuanyang Terrace

  15. 哈尼族节日与梯田稻作礼仪的关系

    On the Relationship between the Hani Festivals and their Terraced-field Rice-farming Ceremony

  16. 日本及中国的稻作文化与祭祀

    Paddy Cultivation Culture and Sacrificial Rites in Japan and China

  17. 中国北方史前遗址稻作遗存的植物硅酸体判别标准

    Phytolith diagnostic characteristics of rice remains at prehistoric settlements in North China

  18. 彝族体育舞蹈与稻作文化

    The Yi people 's sports dances and the rice culture

  19. 从稻作区来看,宗谱3和8为各个稻作区的共同宗谱;

    Lineages 3 and 8 were the common ones to three regions ;

  20. 中国稻作超高产的追求与实践

    Thrust and Practice of Super High-Yielding Rice Production in China

  21. 高邮龙虬庄遗址的原始稻作

    The Primitive Rice Cultivation at Long-qiu Zhuang Site of Gaoyou

  22. 日本古倭人稻作文化滥觞于中国古吴越

    The ancient Japanese ricefield farming culture stems form ancient Wu Yue of china

  23. 不同稻作区蜘蛛群落组成与分布比较

    Comparison of Geographical Distribution of Spiders Community of Different Rice Fields of China

  24. 那文化:稻作民族历史文化的印记

    Na Culture as a Mark of Ethnic History and Culture in Rice Areas

  25. 稻作农耕技术的演进&以云南稻作为例

    Rice and Peasant Plough : Regarding Rice of Yunnan Province as an Example

  26. 寒地稻作高产灌溉技术研究

    Study on High-yield Paddy Irrigation Technics in Cold Region

  27. 农户更倾向于采用劳动节约型稻作方式。

    Farmers tended to adopt labor-saving rice cultivation ways .

  28. 麋鹿和原始稻作及中华文化

    Relations of Elk with Primitive Rice and Chinese Culture

  29. 稻作起源的考古学探索

    An Archaeological Exploration of the Origin of Paddy Agriculture

  30. 壮族的稻作文化和社会发展探索

    Rice Culture and Social Development of the Zhuang People