
  • 网络Central Hall;Concourse;megaron
  1. 艺术展览会正在中央大厅举行。

    An art exhibition is being held in the central hall .

  2. 走进中央大厅,一个刚刚从坎大哈回来的记者和Lu打招呼,他对Lu说在半岛电视台工作既很累又很危险。

    Walking into the central hall , Lu was greeted by a reporter just back from Kandaha and he said working there was too tired and dangerous .

  3. 书展的中央大厅模仿了圣地亚哥•卡拉特拉瓦(SantiagoCalatrava)设计的毕尔巴鄂市那幢建筑,但体量更庞大,是德语商业出版社的汇集地;英语区则被挤到了一个不那么舒服的机库里。

    The fair 's central terminal - a bigger , bulkier pastiche of Santiago Calatrava 's building in Bilbao - hosts the German-language trade publishing houses ; the English-speaking zone has been shunted into one of the less pleasant hangars .

  4. 未来的风景&京都车站中央大厅空间

    Scenery of future the space of Centre Hall at Kyoto Station

  5. 此时在中央大厅里,人们正变得焦躁不安。

    Back in the central lobby , people were getting restless .

  6. 不来梅大学中央大厅,德国

    Central foyer of Bremen university , germany , 2000

  7. 综合办证处位于一楼中央大厅东部。

    Card Issuing Counter is located in the east of Central Hall on the first floor .

  8. 在中央大厅,他们对于材料研究的偏好体现得淋漓尽致。

    Nowhere is their appetite for this type of research more evident than in the central hall .

  9. 中文报刊阅览室位于一楼中央大厅东侧。

    Chinese Newspaper and Journals Room is located on the east of Central Hall on the first floor .

  10. 代表们在昨日会议结束时相继离开上海展览中心的中央大厅。

    Deputies begin to leave the main hall of the Shanghai Exhibition Center at the end of the Congress yesterday .

  11. 分析了站房的主要组成部分售票大厅、中央大厅、候车大厅和出站大厅。

    Analyzes the main component of the station building which includes ticket hall , main hall , waiting hall and existing hall .

  12. 中央大厅足以容纳职业足球比赛以及音乐会,会议,展览和跳蚤市场。

    The central hall is large enough to accommodate professional football matches as well as concerts , conferences , exhibitions and flea markets .

  13. 中央大厅为现代生命科学陈列厅,用立体景观、展柜介绍进化论和人类学知识。

    The center hall is for exhibiting modern science introducing us the knowledge of evolutionism and anthropology with stereoscopic landscape and exhibition shelves .

  14. 信息咨询中心位于一楼中央大厅东侧,中文报刊阅览室旁边。

    Information Consultation Center is located on the east of Central Hall on the first floor , by the side of Chinese Newspaper and Journals Room .

  15. 把纽约中心地带高峰期想像成炽热的早期宇宙,把在中央大厅飞速往返穿行的上班族想象成次原子粒子。

    Imagine rush hour at Grand Central in New York City as that superheated early Universe . The commuters racing through the main concourse are subatomic particles .

  16. 介绍了上海展览中心中央大厅拱形屋面板的碳纤维加固应用实例。

    In the paper , the application of the CFRP method in the strengthening of the arched roof panels of the main hall of Shanghai Exhibition Center is introduced .

  17. 联合车站的另一台电梯,从中央大厅一直到大街上,因为要改造目前也处于停运状态。

    Another one of the station 's elevators , which runs from the concourse up to the street , is also out of service as a result of planned renovations .

  18. 在中央大厅,沙巫突然出现在王子面前,然后达哈卡堵住了后路,让王子猜测,那个怪物可能跟随着沙巫来到了过去。

    In the Central Hall , the Sandwraith suddenly appears before him , then the Dahaka blocks the exit , causing the Prince to surmise that the monster has somehow followed him to the past .

  19. 中央大厅一个大的用于聚会或作人行通道的露天场所,例如飞机场是谁在中央大门的正中又开凿了那道新的独扇门呢?

    A large open space for the gathering or passage of crowds , as in an airport . who has cut , in the very middle of the central portal , that new and bastard arch ?