
  • 网络Chinese Museum;China Museum
  1. 中国博物馆地域性建筑形态探讨

    The Research on Regional Architectural Form of the Chinese Museum

  2. 中国博物馆室内环境设计发展研究

    The Developmental Research of the Chinese Museum Interior Design

  3. 改进中国博物馆管理,迎接新的挑战

    Manage China 's Museums : To Meet New Challenge

  4. 论旧中国博物馆事业的历史意义

    The historical significance of museum undertaking in old China

  5. 这一系列作品被非洲大使馆和中国博物馆买下收藏。

    This series of work was sold to African embassies and Chinese museums .

  6. 现代化和中国博物馆事业的创始

    Modernity and the Beginning of the Chinese Museum

  7. 科学技术手段在中国博物馆中的应用

    Utilization of science-technology means in Chinese museums

  8. 以马克思主义原理为指南,是中国博物馆学的优势和长处;

    Guided by the principles of Marxism , the study of museology in China has much superiority .

  9. 中国博物馆事业管理体制

    Chinese Administrative System for Museums

  10. 中国博物馆的历史同中国社会的发展和文化教育的进步有着密切的关系。

    Chinese Museum of history and development of Chinese society and culture education progress has a close relationship .

  11. 在此文中,作者回顾了近八十年来中国博物馆及博物馆学发展的状况。

    In his paper , the author reviews the development of both chinese museums and museology in recent 80 years .

  12. 近年来,中国博物馆事业蓬勃发展,各种类型博物馆不断涌现填补空白。

    With recent development of Chinese museum enterprise , museum of all types continue to appear to fill in the blanks .

  13. 论文最后总结了我国博物馆的现状,对中国博物馆发展的前景进行了一些预测。

    The thesis finally summarizes the actuality of museum in our country and gives some prediction on the progress of Chinese museum .

  14. 2006年在中国博物馆和上海等大城市博物馆举办了《意大利古代兵器展》;

    In2006 , he had held " exhibition Italy ancient weapons " in China Museum and Museums in major cities such as Shanghai .

  15. 目前,中国博物馆志愿者存在着发展不平衡、缺乏科学的整体计划、培训机制和激励机制不科学等问题。

    At present , the Chinese Museum volunteers there are uneven development , lack of scientific master plans , training and incentive mechanisms unscientific .

  16. 中国博物馆界运用志愿者来协助工作已经成为一种共识,博物馆都在逐步建立、完善志愿者的制度。

    Chinese museum community using volunteers to assist the work has become a consensus , museums are gradually establish and perfect the system of volunteers .

  17. 在现今中国博物馆面临新的发展机遇的前提下,我们有必要了解和借鉴包括日本在内的国际博物馆界的经验。

    While Chinese museums are facing new development opportunities today , it is necessary for us to understand and absorb experience from museums of other countries , including Japan .

  18. 英国杂志“经济学家”对中国博物馆建设就有这样的描述:“中国各地的城市和乡镇都在紧锣密鼓的兴建博物馆。

    British magazine " the economist " has ever described the Chinese museum like this : The construction of museums is in full swing all over the Chinese cities and towns .

  19. 人物纪念馆是我国博物馆的一大重要分支,占到中国博物馆总量的近1/6。

    Focusing on the commemoration and interpretation of a historical personage , museum of historical figure is a special branch as well as an important part in the museums in China .

  20. 建立与各种各样观念层的联系,并以活动的开展与观众的参与达到社会教育的目的是中国博物馆亟待实践摸索的领域。

    It is important for Chinese museums to construct all kinds of relation , draw the publics'participating in the actions conducted by museums in order to give the publics a social education .

  21. 如果我们把义工队伍及其多层次化作为衡量一个博物馆的公众吸引力、社会影响力的可视指数的话,那么,中国博物馆应该意识到完善我们的义工制度已是迫在眉捷的当务之急。

    If we regards the volunteers and their stuff as a exponent of the public magnetism and social effect of a museum , Chinese museums should be on to consummate their system of volunteers .

  22. 其次,通过对博物馆公共文化服务现状的调查及相关数据统计等,分析中国博物馆开展公共文化服务,做好公共文化服务体系建设所遇到的主要问题。

    Then , supported by surveys on the public cultural services in museums in current situation and related data , it talks about the chief obstacles to the construction of a Public Cultural Service System .

  23. 中国博物馆历经百年沧桑,尤其近几十年博物馆事业更得到迅猛发展,全国各地的各类博物馆已有几千余座,县级博物馆更是占据了其中的大部分。

    After a century of vicissitudes , especially in recent decades , museum of China has got a rapid development . All kinds of museums across the country have been more than a few blocks .

  24. 今藏于中国历史博物馆的大盂鼎(theGreatDingforYu)是中国青铜器时代的代表性作品之一。

    A representative example is the Great Ding for Yu , which is now preserved in the Museum of Chinese History .

  25. 中国国家博物馆教务主任HuangChen称:语音导游包含20小时的信息,覆盖近1万件遗物。

    Huang Chen , the director of education of National Museum of China , said , The audio guide contains 20-hours of information , covering nearly one thousand relics .

  26. 针对中国电影博物馆工程使用长螺旋钻管内泵压CFG桩复合地基施工技术作了一些有益的尝试、研究和总结。

    The construction technique of CFG piled composite foundation by long auger boring methodology is studied and summarized according to the project of China Film Museum .

  27. 路易威登(LouisVuitton)正在一个从未有西方品牌进驻的地点招徕消费者:中国国家博物馆。

    Louis Vuitton is making a pitch to consumers in a spot no Western brand has ventured before : the National Museum of China .

  28. 文章对RTKL设计的中国电影博物馆建筑设计进行了分析,从“点”、“符号”、“蒙太奇”等几方面入手解读其在建筑设计方面的手法与特点。

    From the aspects of " point "," symbol " and " montage ", etc. , this article analyzes the architectural design methods and techniques of China National Film Museum by RTKL .

  29. 我们将要去参观中国历史博物馆。

    We are going to visit the Museum of Chinese History .

  30. 中国国家博物馆加固改造设计与施工技术

    Strengthening Design and Construction Technology of the National Museum of China