
  1. 史铁生是中国当代作家非常独特的个案。

    Shitiesheng is a very particular one in contemporary authors of China .

  2. 乡土·农村·家园·荒野&论中国当代作家的乡村想象

    Provincialism , Country landscape , Homestead and Wilderness : The Country Imagination of Contemporary Chinese Writers

  3. 中国当代作家王安忆的《长恨歌》(以下简称王氏文本)堪称中国当代文学的经典之作。

    Chinese contemporary writer Wang Anyi 's " Song of Eternal Sorrow " ( hereinafter referred to as Wang text ) is Chinese contemporary literature classic .

  4. 以期从另一个侧面展示中国当代作家在追求中国经验创作的探索中所走过的阶段性历程。

    Through the inquiry and analysis , it is fully shown that Chinese morden authors have had their periodical experience while inquiring into Chinese special ways for composition .

  5. 一些中国当代作家将西方黑色幽默与中国当代历史、现实、文化相结合,产生了中国化的黑色幽默的文学作品。

    Some Chinese writers of the present age combined the west Black Humor with Chinese contemporary history , reality and culture , and then gave birth to the literature works of Sinitic Black Humor .

  6. 他纤细优雅的叙事风格,对西方现代技巧地吸收和对东方传统的再现,都给中国当代作家以新的启示,开拓了新时期作家的审美视野。

    His slender elegant narrative style of western modern techniques to absorb and eastern tradition , to reproduce the contemporary Chinese writers to new revelation , open up a new period of aesthetic view writer .

  7. 中国当代作家贾平凹的一些主要作品在国外连获大奖,引起巨大反响。

    As one of the well-known contemporary writers in China , Jia Pingwa won a successive series of prizes abroad with some of his masterpieces , which has caused great sensation both at home and abroad .

  8. 作为人文知识分子群体当中一个极具代表性的集群,中国当代作家同样也陷入了思想迷惘和精神困顿之中,在文学价值观的再确立和自我身份的认同上无所适从。

    As a typically representative group in the humanistic intellectuals , modern Chinese writers also are immersed into their spiritual puzzlement and can 't adapt themselves to the re-establishment of the literature philosophy and recognition of self-identity .

  9. 同样,中国当代作家越来越成为世界所熟知,这一趋势随着今年的诺贝尔文学奖得主莫言(生于1955年)而应该得到井喷。

    Similarly , Chinese contemporary authors are getting to be much better known in the world , a trend which should get a spurt with this year 's award of the Nobel Prize of Literature to Mo Yan ( born in 1955 ) .

  10. 文章最后从东西对照、相互借鉴的角度对东方文化传统中的人与自然关系作了一点探讨,呼吁中国当代作家响应大地的呼唤,及早将中国文学带进生态时代。

    Finally , in contrast with Eastern , some discussions are made on the relationship of human and nature in traditional oriental culture . Appeals the modern Chinese writers to respond " the calls of the earth " and bring the literature of China into an era of Ecology .

  11. 刘心武,中国当代著名作家。

    Liu Xinwu , Chinese celebrated writer in modern time .

  12. 主要列出埃及自从20世纪50年代以来所翻译的中国现当代作家作品。

    Many translated modern Chinese works since 1950s are listed .

  13. 您对中国当代女性作家有怎样的建议和期望?

    What are your suggestions and expectations for these contemporary Chinese women writers ?

  14. 如此旺盛和长久的文学生命力在中国当代女性作家中极为少见。

    It is extremely seldom that she has so long-last literature vitality in contemporary and female writer in China .

  15. 莫言,中国当代主要作家,是中国第一人获得了这项令人垂涎的荣誉。

    Mo , one of China 's leading contemporary writers , is the first Chinese national to be awarded the coveted honor .

  16. 摘要王蒙不仅是中国当代重要作家,而且是有独立见解的文学理论家。

    Wang Meng is not only one of the most important writers in Chinese contemporary literature , but also a very unique theorist .

  17. 本论文系以研究中国内蒙古当代作家其·敖特根其木格的小说为目的。

    The aim of this paper is to research on a modern writer Qi Odganqimeg ( omitted ) in Inner Mongolia of China .

  18. 中国当代著名作家莫言获得2012年诺贝尔文学奖,这是首次有中国人获得这一奖项。

    Mo Yan , is a famous contemporary Chinese writer . In 2012 , He became the country 's first Nobel Literature Prize laureate 。

  19. 《红高粱家族》是中国当代著名作家莫言的早期代表作之一。

    Hong Gao Liang Jia Zu is a remarkable masterpiece written by the well-known Chinese writer Mo Yan in his early phase of writing .

  20. 20世纪中国现当代作家处在由传统向现代嬗变的文化转型时期。

    In the 20th century , the modern and contemporary Chinese writers experience a transition period from the traditional culture to the modern culture .

  21. 中国现当代作家乡村家园想象的生成,大致源于他们那种“生活在别处”的精神状态。

    The formation of a countryside homeland imagination of contemporary Chinese writers results from their spiritual state of " living in other place " .

  22. 结语部分简要论述研究明清小说的反讽叙事对于研究中国现当代作家作品的重要意义。

    Concluding remark discusses briefly that as to the research of modern works , it is very meaningful to make an analysis of ironic narration in fictions in Ming and Qing dynasty .

  23. 毫无疑问,苏童是中国当代小说作家中传奇叙事写作的佼佼者,希望苏童能够沿着这条传奇叙事的道路一直走下去,并能够走得更稳更远。

    Doubtlessly , Su Tong is an excellent writer in Chinese modern novelist who write the legendary narration . I expect Su Tong can continue and go further along the way of legendary narration .

  24. 刘震云在这一时期积极地与影视合作,充分借助市场和传媒,并打造出在影视界广受赞誉的中国当代的作家电影。

    Liu Zhenyun actively cooperate with the film and television in this period , fully by the market and the media , and create acclaimed in film and television of the contemporary Chinese film " writer " .

  25. 在中国现当代作家中,宗璞以深厚的家学渊源和得天独厚的传统文化修养,呈现出与众不同的创作主题和审美风格。

    Among the contemporary writers in China , Zong Pu is a gifted writer with deep family history and thus rich in traditional culture cultivation . She has shown a different creative theme and writing style in her works .

  26. 中国现当代作家的作品在中学语文教材里占有举足轻重的地位,高师中国现当代文学教学与中学语文教育质量息息相关。

    The works of China 's contemporary writers play a crucial part in Chinese textbooks of middle school , and the teaching of modern & contemporary literature in normal college is closely related to the Chinese-education quality of middle school .

  27. 路遥是中国当代现实主义作家,在当代文坛享有盛誉。

    Lu Yao is a famous contemporary realism writer in China .

  28. 鬼后有人&论中国现当代启蒙作家对巫鬼文化的认识

    Man Behind Ghosts : Recognition to the Wizardry in Writings of Chinese Modern and Contemporary Enlightenment Writers

  29. 论文主要探讨中国现当代女作家在母性书写中显现出来的母性形象的意义。

    This thesis chiefly discusses the meaning of the mothering image created by the Contemporary Chinese female writers .

  30. 本文是对中国当代先锋小说作家格非的作品研究。

    This thesis is a study on the works of Ge Fei , a pioneering contemporary novelist in China .