
  • 网络Berry;Barry;Bury;Belli;berg
  1. 贝里先生说这是时间上的巧合,他的决定与罗曼先生的离开没有关系。

    Mr. Berry said the timing was a coincidence and that his decision was unrelated to Mr. Roman 's departure

  2. 可是对可怜的贝里却没有一个人说过一句话;她哭了六个星期(她善良的姑妈一直在严厉地斥责她),并落到一个绝望的老处女的处境。--------①英文中腿(leg)这个词的发音为莱格。

    But nobody said anything about poor Berry , who cried for six weeks ( being soundly rated by her good aunt all the time ) , and lapsed into a state of hopeless spinsterhood .

  3. 据西汉姆的技术总监纳尼透露,佛罗伦萨和AC米兰是最新表示对永贝里感兴趣的两家俱乐部。

    According to West Ham 's technical director Gianluca Nani , Fiorentina and AC Milan are the latest clubs interested in Ljungberg .

  4. 新增Stacey贝里,教育硕士,是弗吉尼亚州的幼儿园教师在玛丽曼福德示范校在里士满。

    Stacey Berry , M.Ed. , is a kindergarten teacher at Mary Munford Model School in Richmond , Virginia .

  5. 和厄斯贝里一样,Ferm电动工具世界拉力车队的父子档组合丹尼斯和雷内·奎伯斯也参加了爱沙尼亚拉力赛,不过他们在那并未使用芬兰站中的嘉年华赛车。

    Like Ostberg , FERM Power Tools World Rally Team 's father-and-son duo Dennis and Rene Kuipers competed in Estonia , albeit not on board the Fiesta RS WRCs they will use in Finland .

  6. 古德,贝里被认为是一个岩石和摇滚的先锋。

    Goode , Berry is considered one of rock-and-roll 's pioneers .

  7. 亲爱的珊莎,这是贝里席大人.他是--

    Sansa dear , this is Lord Baelish . He 's known

  8. 贝里席大人,敢问你觉得谋杀之事如此有趣?

    Do you always find murder so amusing , Lord Baelish ?

  9. 贝里席大人,或许我不应该不信任你.

    Lord Baelish , perhaps I was wrong to distrust you .

  10. 贝里很喜欢您,是不是?

    ' Berry 's very fond of you , ain 't she ?

  11. 贝里席大人,我是临冬城史塔克家族的人。

    Lord Baelish , I am a Stark of Winterfell .

  12. 我们回到水贝里结婚,好吗?

    Let 's go back to Waterbury and get married , okay ?

  13. 整件事从他炸毁贝里大楼开始。

    This whole thing started the night he blew up the old bailey .

  14. 贝里的合作学习观及其启示

    Ladson Berry 's Cooperative Learning Perspective and Its Inspiration

  15. 永贝里同样在小脚伤势康复后回归球队。

    Freddie Ljungberg is also back in the squad after a calf problem .

  16. 他加入了一个以贝里勋爵为首的组织。

    He joined an organization headed by Lord Berry .

  17. 大人,贝里席大人想见您。

    Lord Baelish to see you , m'lord .

  18. 他当时只剩下8英镑,就靠这点钱到了贝里。

    He had only $ 8 left to last him till he reached bury .

  19. 是培提尔.贝里席大人吧。国王陛下的财政大臣。

    Is owned by Lord Petyr Baelish , the King 's Master of Coin .

  20. 博格坎普,永贝里和阿里迪埃尔已经康复。

    Dennis bergkamp , Freddie Ljungberg and Jeremie Aliadiere have all returned to fitness .

  21. 决定之后,坦贝里拍了拍巴尔希姆的手,然后给了他一个大大的拥抱。

    After they decided , Tamberi slapped Barshim 's hand and jumped into his arms .

  22. 贝里小姐自然问为什么做不到?

    Miss Berry naturally asked why not ?

  23. 你是以专业考虑而雇用贝里先生吗?

    Do we take it that you employ this Mr mussambini on a professional basis ?

  24. 贝里忧心如焚,紧握着双手。

    Berry clasped his hands in apprehension .

  25. 贝里席大人刚才告诉我,我现在能在这里,全都要归功于您。

    Lord Baelish tells me that I have you to thank for bringing me here .

  26. “唔,他醒着的时候也不难看,”贝里评论道。

    Why , he 's not ugly when he 's awake , ' observed Berry .

  27. 第三章:以贝里的涵化理论为基础,主要论述南亚裔移民及其后代在英国的文化适应状况。

    Chapter Three discuss the situation of acculturation of the South Asian immigrants and their progeny .

  28. 像加拉斯,永贝里这样的球员,我们应该能够在场上看得见他们身影。

    Players like William Gallas and Freddie Ljungberg for example might well find themselves in the team .

  29. 可怜的贝里毫无恶感地接受了所有这些劝告,并跟往常一样,像奴隶一样拼命做着苦工;

    Poor Berry took it all in good part , and drudged and slaved away as usual ;

  30. 贝里席大人,您大可放心,我并不打算太快融化。

    I do not plan on melting soon , Lord Baelish . You may count on it .