
  • 网络Chinese classic furniture;Chinese furniture;Classical Chinese Furniture
  1. 明清家具典型地体现了中国古典家具所具有的极其精湛的工艺价值、极高的艺术欣赏价值、丰富的历史文化价值和收藏价值。

    Ming and Qing furniture typically reflects the classical Chinese furniture which has a very sophisticated process value 、 high value of art appreciation 、 rich historical and cultural value and collection value .

  2. 其中雕刻装饰在中国古典家具中广泛应用,特别是在明清家具中。

    Sculpture decoration has been widely used in Chinese classic furniture .

  3. 中国古典家具装饰题材与内涵探析

    Analysis of Subject and Connotation of Chinese Classical Furniture Decoration

  4. 中国古典家具艺术的风格成因

    The stylistic formation of the classic Chinese furniture

  5. 如何保持对中国古典家具良好的照顾是非常重要的。

    How to keep good care of the antique furniture chinese is very important .

  6. 中国古典家具的质

    ' Nature ' of Chinese Classical Furniture

  7. 中国古典家具和西方古典家具久胜不衰,占有的市场份额大。

    Chinese and western classical furniture was well sold for long time in the furniture market .

  8. 中国古典家具吉祥图案

    Auspicious Patterns on Chinese Classical Furniture

  9. 保持了中国古典家具照顾好方法是非常不同的结构。

    The method of keeping good care of the antique furniture chinese is very different of architecture .

  10. 中国古典家具发展的进程就是一篇部分展现中华民族文化的历史。

    The process of development of Chinese classical furniture is partly a show of history of Chinese culture .

  11. 明式家具以其简洁大方、讲求舒适实用的制作风格,成为了中国古典家具中美的典范。

    Ming-style furniture is famous for its concision and comfortable , so becomes a model in the Chinese classical furniture .

  12. 但是,中国古典家具产业却仍然存在着产品创新设计能力差,市场混乱,浪费严重等问题。

    However , problems of poor design , chaotic market , waste and so forth still exist in Chinese classical furniture industry .

  13. 中国古典家具的艺术语言样态,首先表现出中国传统文化的价值,其次才体现出家具物性的本质特征。

    The stylistic features of classic Chinese furniture embody both the value of traditional Chinese culture and the material function of furniture .

  14. 同时,作者研究了中国古典家具的演变历史和发展现状,指出了中国古典家具产业面临的尴尬局面,明确了中国古典家具产业升级的方向。

    Meanwhile , the author has studied the history and present condition in development of Chinese classical furniture , and pointed out the difficult situation that it faced .

  15. 明式椅子是中国古典家具的巅峰之作,是简、厚、精、雅明式家具风格完美的诠释。

    Ming_style chair is the peak of Chinese classic furniture , is a perfect annotation of " Jane , thick , refined , elegant " that is the particularity of Ming_style furniture .

  16. 本文以实现中国古典家具工业化为目的,采用归类、对比分析以及实证的方法,首先归纳分析中国古典家具的风格要素,提出通过风格要素沿用的方法来接续中国古典家具的断层;

    In this thesis , firstly analyzed the style elements of Chinese classic furniture and mentioned that we should heritage the ancient style and method to fill the Chinese classic furniture 's vacant .

  17. 中国古典家具有着悠久的历史和传世的珍品,尤其是明式家具有着辉煌的成就,为世界家具史中的瑰宝。

    Chinese classical furniture has a long history and has many treasures from the ancient craftsmen , esp. the Ming style furniture is one of the gem in the world furniture history , having glorious achievements .

  18. 在模块化时代已到来时刻,本文引入模块化思想对中国古典家具进行现代化研究,以适应社会对古典家具的需求。

    Theory of modularization was introduced to study on the modern technology of China classical furniture so as to let our society satisfy the need of classical furniture in this paper when modularization time was coming .

  19. 于此同时,新中式装饰风格的流行促进了中国古典家具的繁荣发展,中国古典家具产业的规模之大、产值之高,远远超过了人们的预期。

    Meanwhile , among all the decorative styles , Neo-Chinese style is more and more popular in China , which promoting the development and prosperity of Chinese classic furniture industry . The scale and output of this industry is well above the forecast .

  20. 本文从哲学、社会意识等方面来研究我国古代家具审美思想的成因,追溯我国古代家具的文化内涵,以期从深层次上把握中国古典家具提供参考。

    This article detects the reasons of the forming of the Chinese ancient furniture 's aesthetic conception in the aspects of philosophy and social ideology and traces back to its cultural connotation , so as to understand the Chinese classical furniture in depth .

  21. 深与浅,实木质地与布艺、乡村风格里加入中国明清古典家具,中西合璧,时尚又古朴。

    Deep and shallow , with the solid texture of fabric , village style of the classical Chinese Ming furniture , blending Chinese and Western , fashion and beauty .

  22. 中国最大的欧美古典家具产业基地&玉环

    The Largest Manufacturing Base of Western-style Classical Furniture in China-Yuhuan

  23. 自古以来,中国传统建筑和中国古典家具就是紧密相联的。

    Chinese traditional buildings and chinese antique furnitures are linked closely from of old .

  24. 随着人类生活方式的不断发展和演进,中国传统建筑对中国古典家具的影响从构架方式深入到了每个细节。

    With the development and evolvement of life style of human being , the impact of traditional buildings has been gone deep into every detail .

  25. 详细说明金岳文博古典家具设计中心是在全国工商业联古玩业商会、中国文物保护基金会等单位倡导支持下成立的,其宗旨是弘扬中国古典家具的艺术和文化。

    Jinyuewenbo classic furniture design center , established under the sponsorship and support of chamber of Commerce for antique of All-China Federation of industry & commerce and China cultural heritage protection fund , is aimed at inheriting and carrying forward art and culture of the Chinese classic furniture .

  26. 寻找中国当代家具设计的路子,完善设计理论是一个基础,一个铺垫,读史以明鉴,中国古典家具的设计思想能够反映出中国人特有的情怀与审美趣味。

    The history is a mirror . The design ideas of Chinese classical furniture can reflect the characteristic feeling and aesthetic taste of Chinese .