
He trod the trail wherever it turned By many a mound and scree * , And till the barefoot track led on , And an angry man was he .
( c ) the hypothesis that the slip surfaces through the foot of slope is unreasonable for vertical slopes in soft ground ;
When slopeland is improved into terraced field , the plantable area is reduced because of the surface of farmland becoming flat and the land used for constructing earth banks .
The best rise to span ratio for stability property was 1 / 6 , at this ratio , the structure is insensitive to the slope angle of the structure bottom plate .
She had just run up to the top of one glorious blue wave , and the nearer slope of that wave came down towards you , with streaks and bubbles on it .
Based on preferred plane theory and from the viewpoint of system engineering , in this paper , not only stability analysis and evaluation but also engineering design theory and method of high rock slope are discussed .
This article discusses the characteristics of rock mass structure , controlling structure surface and the deformation and failure mode of slopes of each kind of the structure . ( 2 ) Carried compression , shear and creep test study on the typical rock sample .
In the simulation process , it has considered these factors : the rock type , the slope shape , the coal bed condition , the relative position of working surface and the slope body , the working surface advancement direction , the mining speed , the press of rock .
The first structure surface is a low angle fault ( F-1 ) dipping outside slope , possibly slip plane when the slope failure .
A new couple model of slope runoff & unsaturated seepage under rainfall condition was shown in the paper .
After the site formated , some slopes will be not stable , on account of the height of water and the greater pressure on groundwater seepage in the slope . 4 .
Preferred planes combination and the failure model of rock slope
Application of vertical secondary knick in high and low canal of upper yard of inclined shaft
Derivation of Calculation Formula of Soil Pressure for Rupture Surface of Retaining Wall to Intersect in Side Slope
It also discusses controlled measures taken for blasting scale foundation bed and basic rocky slope during controlled blasting of base excavation .
Steve likes to hotdog down the ski slopes . Application of vertical secondary knick in high and low canal of upper yard of inclined shaft
I saw all the country fall away before me down to the sea . Application of vertical secondary knick in high and low canal of upper yard of inclined shaft
And it is also found that falsehood would be induced in calculating flow resistance in shallow rivers based on the assumption that the slope of energy in the ice-cover area is equal to that in the bed area .
Groups of landslides in Yanling Mountain were all soil landslide , the structure surfaces to control the landslides mainly were soil / rock interfaces with original sloping angle 15 °~ 35 ゜, single landslip medium / small scale and predisposition all heavy rainfall .