
  • 网络Interview;Interview skill;interview tips
  1. 我希望你可以用你超凡的面试技巧给他们留下深刻印象。

    Hope you can impress them with your great interview skills .

  2. 就业前景好坏很大程度上取决于面试技巧。

    Your job prospects are largely dependent on your interview skills .

  3. inspiringinterns通过个性测试对应聘者进行筛选,对他们的面试技巧进行指导,并督促他们制作一个视频简历。

    Inspiring interns screens them with personality tests , coaches them on interview technique and urges them to make a video-clip curriculum vitae .

  4. 100当XYZ裁员的时候,它雇佣了Delany人事公司在这些下岗员工有需要的时候为他们在写简历和提高面试技巧方面提供帮助。

    When XYZ lays off employees , it pays Delany Personnel Firm to offer those employees assistance in creating resum è s and developing interviewing skills , if they so desire .

  5. 一天,来自波士顿的咨询顾问格莱勤·尼尔斯(GretchenNeels)给一群求职的大学生做面试技巧辅导。尼尔斯问学生们一个问题:他们认为招聘企业对他们这一代的印象如何。

    When Gretchen Neels , a Boston-based consultant , was coaching a group of college students for job interviews , she asked them how they believe employers view them .

  6. 她的面试技巧还有待提高。

    Her interviewing skills leave something to be desired .

  7. 简述三种不同的招聘面试技巧。

    Briefly explain three different recruitment interview techniques .

  8. 利用经过验证的面试技巧“收买人心”。

    For buying , leverage proven interviewing techniques .

  9. 你们还聘请私立大学的指导老师阅读你的文章、磨炼你的面试技巧。

    You hired private college advisers to read your essays and hone your interview skills .

  10. 在写这本书之前,我自己的面试技巧也不值得吹嘘。

    I certainly couldn 't boast of my own interviewing skills before I wrote the book .

  11. 招聘策略及面试技巧

    Recruiting Strategies and Interview Skill

  12. 花时间了解公司、职位需求和不同面试技巧。

    Take the time to learn about the company , the position 's requirements and different interview techniques .

  13. 很多一般人因为有出色的面试技巧就因感觉、偏见和直觉被录取了。

    Too many average people with great interviewing skills get hired when feelings , prejudices and intuition override judgment .

  14. 在失业率超过8%的当前趋势下,面试技巧的掌握比以往任何时候都具有意义。

    But with the national unemployment rate over 8 % , sharp interview skills are more important than ever .

  15. 欧阳辉建议,毕业生应注重提高自身综合素质,练习实用面试技巧,而不要不请自来强行要求面试。

    Ouyang suggested that grads focus on elevating their comprehensive quality and practical interviewing skills instead of forcing interviews .

  16. 那个公司准备了一张关于面试技巧的清单,帮助他们的雇员面试新职位的候选人。

    The company has prepared a checklist on interviewing skills to help their employees interview candidates for new posts .

  17. 随着就业市场日渐转好,招聘经理们又准备拿出他们那套老掉牙的面试技巧登台亮相了。

    As the job market slowly begins to pick up , hiring managers are breaking out their creaky interviewing skills .

  18. 尽管人事部门的职员确实接受过大量的训练,熟知各种工作面试技巧,但是一般的业务部门经理都不过是临场发挥而已。

    While human resources professionals do get extensive training in job interviewing techniques , the average line manager is winging it .

  19. 本期视频节目将会告诉你一些重要的面试技巧,从而帮你获得心仪的职位。

    This VideoJug film gives you some very important things to remember while planning to attend an interview and get that dream job !

  20. 一般的面试技巧都会建议你微笑、注重眼神交流,另外还有非常有力的和面试官握手。

    A quick look at interview tips will tell you to smile , make eye contact , and shake the interviewer 's hand firmly .

  21. 写简历,巩固你的面试技巧,并告诉你的朋友你目前的状况,看他们是否可帮忙。

    Write your resume , review your job interviewing skills and tell your network contacts about your current status in case they have leads .

  22. 这让你们有机会学习工作面试技巧如何平衡预算烹制健康餐甚至换轮胎

    With the opportunity to learn things like job interviewing skills how to balance a budget , cook a healthy meal and even change a tire

  23. 另外,还要复习一些在复试中有用的其他面试技巧,例如怎样总结之前的论述并且提及之前遗忘的部分。

    In addition , we 'll review some other useful second-round interview skills , such as summarizing the previous discussion and referring to something you forgot to mention earlier .

  24. 你的简历和面试技巧都必须尽量做到最好,所以,你可以向职业顾问咨询。

    It 's important that your CV and interview skills are as good as possible , so it might be a good idea to speak to a careers adviser .

  25. 有一个好文凭,在一个体面的雇主那里呆过一段时间,面试技巧以及愿意降薪全都有些价值。

    Having a good degree , a bit of time at a decent employer , interview skills and a willingness to take a pay cut all count for something .

  26. 如果你能教经理如何改善他们的面试技巧,你会立刻被公认为行业的专家、招聘团队的无价之宝。

    If you can teach your managers how to improve their interviewing skills , you 're instantly recognized as an expert in your field and an invaluable member of the hiring team .

  27. 至于面试技巧,他建议,目的应该是找出这家公司是否是你想去工作的公司,而不是努力给面试官留下深刻印象。

    As for interview techniques , he recommends that the aim should be to find out whether the company is one you want to work for rather than trying to impress the interviewer .

  28. 5年外资或大型企业人力资源管理工作经验,熟悉招聘渠道及面试技巧,良好的英文和计算机操作能力,诚实正直,有热情,能承受一定工作压力,适应不定期出差。

    5 years HR experience prefer in MNE or large enterprises , familiar with recruitment channel and interview techniques , competent in both written and oral english , good computer skills , integrity and honest , enthusiastic and resilient , can travel frequently .

  29. 在求职中用最有效的方法推销自己,个人简历和面试技巧越好就越有用,所以不妨先向职业规划师咨询一番。

    Get advice on the best way to market yourself in your job hunt . It 's important that your CV and interview skills are as good as possible , so it might be a good idea to speak to a careers adviser .

  30. 专家指出说有很多关于面试最佳技巧的误导信息。

    There are a number of common misconceptions related to interview best practices , experts say .