
  • 网络blackish complexion
  1. 约束靶面黑漆涂层对激光冲击波的影响

    Effect of Black Paint on Laser Induced Shock Waves on Surface of Confined Targets

  2. 锥腔型电校准辐射计灵敏面黑涂层热阻的校正

    Calibration Factor of the Black Painting of the Response Area of the Absolute Radiometer

  3. 观察了临床对早衰面黑具有明显疗效的补肾调肝复方对老龄小鼠血清和皮肤自由基代谢的影响。

    The experiment was to observe the effect on the metabolism of skin free radical and blood sera of senile mice .

  4. 本文介绍了黑涂层热阻的测量,进而推及热电型电校准辐射计锥腔型灵敏面黑涂层热阻的校正因子。

    Measurement of thermel resistance black painting was described , and thus calibration factor of the black painting of the response area of the absolute radiometer .

  5. 每种型号,我们都提供镀铬亮面和黑铬亮面两种选择。

    Each model , we have provided bright chrome and black chrome bright side face two options .

  6. 碳黑:在缺乏空气的情况下,燃烧天然气或油产生的一种细面极黑的颜料。用来制造油墨。

    Carbon black : A fine , intensely black pigment obtained by burning natural gas or oil with restricted air supply . Used in the manufacture of ink .

  7. 他擅长用点、线、面,黑、白、灰及红、黄、绿有限数种元素来抽象表现物象。

    He is good at reflecting abstract objects using various elements such as dots , lines , surfaces , black , white , grey , red , yellow and green .

  8. 响应面法优化黑曲霉产纤维素酶发酵条件

    Optimization of Cellulase Production by Aspergillus niger Using Response Surface Methodology

  9. 利用响应面法对黑曲霉产纤维素酶的发酵条件进行优化。

    Response Surface Methodology was applied to optimize the fermentation of Aspergillus niger for cellulose .

  10. 在单因素的基础上,利用响应面法对黑糯玉米发酵乳饮料的发酵条件进行了优化。

    The response surface analysis ( RSA ) was used to optimize the technological conditions for fermentation of glutinous corn to make lactic beverage .

  11. 针对法兰盘加工面上出现的黑纹缺陷,采用光学显微镜、扫描电镜和电子探针等测试方法对其进行了分析。

    Analysis is made on the dark lines defects occurring over the working surface of flange by measurement with the optical microscope , Scanning Electro Microscope ( SEM ) and electronic probe .