
miàn shuānɡ
  • face cream;facial (or face) cream;cosmetic cream
  1. 我能看一下这个面霜吗?

    A : Could I have a look at this facial cream ?

  2. 化妆品无处不在,小到一块香皂、一瓶面霜,已经成为日常生活中的必需品。

    Cosmetic is everywhere , as small as a little soap or a bottle of facial cream ; it is becomes a daily necessity .

  3. 敏感肌肤专用面霜不会破坏皮肤表面的保护层。

    Sensitive Cream will not strip away the skin 's protective layer

  4. 面霜中的胶原蛋白取自动物皮层。

    The collagen that is included in face creams comes from animal skin .

  5. 2011年澳大利亚一项涉及1621人的研究发现,随机抽取的每天使用防晒霜的人群患黑瘤的几率是需要时才使用面霜的人群的一半。

    A 2011 Australian study of 1,621 people found that people randomly selected to apply sunscreen daily had half the rate of melanomas of people who used cream as needed .

  6. 每天用清水以及不含化学添加剂的洗面奶清洁皮肤。然后涂抹富含维生素E成分的乳液或面霜,以保持皮肤的湿润度。

    Clean your skin with water and free-chemicals cleansing2 products every day , and moisturize it with skin lotion3 and cream containing high amount of vitamin E.

  7. Normal正常肌肤Oily油性皮肤Combination混合肌肤Dry干皮Sensitive敏感肌肤这种面霜提供及时和长时间的保湿,让你的肌肤散发光彩。

    This facial cream provides concentrated immediate & long-term hydration for a radiantly refreshed complexion .

  8. 化妆品包装面霜瓶洗发水香水瓶药品包装瓶食品包装瓶PE瓶PS瓶PP瓶PET瓶PVC瓶。

    Cosmetics packaging Cream bottle Shampoo perfume bottle Medicines bottle Food packing bottle PE bottle PS bottle PP bottle PET bottle PVC bottle .

  9. 课程讲师RebeccaLi说,这些女性还询问了如何保持身材、在化妆前使用何种面霜之类的问题。

    Ms. Li , who ran the seminar , says that the women also had questions about how to keep fit and what kind of face cream to wear under makeup . '

  10. Mila买了数小包根据她肌肉测试合适的药草,来做她的调肤水和面霜里的药草水。

    Mila purchased small bags of each herb she muscle tested would be good for the Herb Water in her toner and creams .

  11. 使用有调整肤色作用同时含有SPF的面霜也能代替粉底使用,它能使你的肌肤焕发自然光泽,并有效防止阳光对肌肤的伤害。

    Apply a tinted moisturizer with SPF . This multi-tasker not only moisturizes but also replaces foundation , gives you a sun-kissed glow , and protects skin from harmful rays .

  12. 我在11月的宝宝皮肤上用了这个加州宝宝的金盏草面霜,我已经试过了Aveeno,GentleNaturals,甚至医生的处方药。

    I use California Baby Calendula Cream for my11 month old son . I have tried Aveeno , Gentle Naturals and even a prescription product .

  13. 从70美元的洗面奶到被设计师称为“惊艳”的价值的370美元的面霜,维多利亚在她的Instagram个人资料中分享了她现在正在使用的产品。

    From a $ 70 cleanser to a $ 370 cream the designer described as ' amazing ' , Victoria shared the products she is now using on her Instagram profile .

  14. Lanocrème胶原蛋白面霜是一种微妙的,高度集中的振兴含有胶原蛋白的精华,芦荟,维生素E,这种出色的补水霜有助于减少老化的明显迹象。

    Lanocr è me Collagen Cream is a delicate , highly concentrated rejuvenating cream containing Collagen , Aloe Vera and Vitamin E.This excellent rehydrating cream helps reduce the visible signs of ageing .

  15. 我非常喜欢用各种面霜类彩妆,但纳斯(Nars)双色腮红(DualIntensityBlusher,售价30英镑)之类的新款产品也值得一试,它能干湿两用(涂抹湿款产品,如同刚出浴一般)。

    I love cream-textures but it 's worth experimenting with some of the new powder formulas , such as Nars " Dual Intensity Blusher ( £ 30 ) , which can be applied wet for a wash-like effect , or dry .

  16. 第二天早上,他离开了我们。因此我从没有收到过我的紫罗兰面霜,而且我也再没有发现过任何关于Constance的事情。

    The next morning he departed , early , so I never received my jar of violet cream , and I discovered no more on the subject of Constance .

  17. 出差时,我总会带一款无毒的MyChelle面霜,来保持肌肤的水分。

    I always bring this great nontoxic Mychelle face cream when I travel , to keep my skin hydrated .

  18. 最后,梅兰妮为这位44岁的维多利亚开了一款AugustinusBader的保湿面霜(370美元),这个产品在网上享有五星评级

    Finally , the 44-year-old was prescribed the cult product , Augustinus Bader The Cream moisturiser ( $ 370 ) , which boasts a five star rating online .

  19. 使用防晒用品夏天,每日使用含SPF15到SPF30防晒成分的面霜以防止细纹和皮肤癌变。

    Step 7Use sunscreenUse a daily moisturizer containing sunscreen with a minimum SPF value of 15 , or 30 in the summer , to help prevent wrinkles and skin cancer .

  20. 中国官员上月表示,他们(在SK-II化妆品中)发现了两种有安全隐患的化学成分。随后这家美国公司被迫将SK-II护肤品系列撤柜,其中包括面霜和美白产品。

    The US company was forced to withdraw the SK-II skincare line , which includes face creams and whitening products , after Chinese officials said last month they had found traces of two potentially dangerous chemicals .

  21. 爱茉莉太平洋在华销售额受到兰芝(Laneige)和悦诗风吟(Innisfree)等品牌的中档价位化妆水和面霜的推动,这些产品强调天然成分,例如来自景色美丽的济州岛的绿茶。

    Chinese sales are driven by mid-priced lotions and face creams under brand names such as Laneige and Innisfree , which highlight natural ingredients such as green tea from the scenic Jeju island .

  22. 比如,如果你的基因是MMP1型的——这种肌肤的胶原蛋白退化得比较慢——那么GeneU认为,花多年时间(和金钱)涂上声称能促进胶原蛋白生成的面霜是一种浪费。

    If you are , say , someone whose MMP1 gene is programmed to degrade collagen slowly , GeneU 's theory is that it 's a waste of time ( and money ) to spend years slathering creams that claim to boost its production ;

  23. 可能你对这种面霜中的某种成分过敏。

    May be you are allergic to some ingredients in it .

  24. 我们新改进的面霜对看起来疲劳的皮肤有着神奇的效果。

    Our new improved face-cream has wondrous effects on tired-looking skin .

  25. 什么面霜也不能消除你脸上的皱纹。

    No cream can smooth out the wrinkles on your face .

  26. 我常用面霜来保持脸部皮肤的细腻。

    I use face cream regularly to keep my face soft .

  27. 首先油性皮肤可以不需要保湿面霜。

    Oily skin may not need moisturizers in the first place .

  28. 它甚至被用在许多面霜和香水里面。

    It 's even used in many skin creams and perfumes .

  29. 再来谈谈那免费面霜吧。

    Now , let 's get back to those free creams .

  30. 这种面霜日夜都能用吗?

    Can this cream be used during the day and night ?