
  • 网络breadcrumbs;Bread crumb
  1. 面包糠和牛奶混合后也加入肉糜。

    Stir together breadcrumbs and milk and add to meat mixture .

  2. 面包糠、蒜茸、露丝玛莉香草同放碗内,拌匀作馅料。

    Put breadcrumbs , garlic and rosemary into bowl . Mix well to make filling .

  3. 研究了面包糠辐照杀菌工艺。

    The processing technology of bread crumbs sterilization by irradiation was studied .

  4. 面包糠是广泛使用的食品添加辅料,主要用于西餐炸牛排、鸡腿等油炸辅料。

    Crumb is mainly used for fried beefsteak and chicken as frying dressing .

  5. 目前油炸食品外裹层常用的材料有油炸裹粉和面包糠。

    The wrapped material of fried food nowadays are fried wrap flour and bread bran .

  6. 膨化面包糠口感差,不易着色。

    The expanding bread bran is of bad palatability and not easy to be colored .

  7. 面粉和盐筛于碗中,搓入小粒黄油成面包糠状。

    Sift flour and salt into a mixing bowl , cut butter into small pieces and rub into breadcrumbs shape .

  8. 适宜烘干非油炸膨化食品、营养粉、面包糠、宠物食品、组织蛋白等。

    Suitable to dry non-fried extrusion snacks , nutritional powder , bread crumb , pet food , soybean protein , etc.

  9. 面包糠粗蛋白质、粗脂肪、碳水化合物、微量元素和17种氨基酸含量辐照前后无显著差异;

    Compared with the CK , the content of crud protein , fat , carbohydrate , microelement and amino acid in irradiated bread crumbs had no obvious change .

  10. 提出了适宜杀菌剂量为6~10kGy,可将面包糠保质期延长至1年。

    It is recommended that the range of best sterilization dose be 6 ~ 10 kGy and the shelf time of bread crumbs be extended to one year .

  11. 普通面粉放在盘中,在一个碗里打一个鸡蛋,打碎,在另一个盘中加面包糠,并且与现磨的帕玛桑奶酪混合。

    Prepare plain flour in a plate , beat a whole egg in a bowl , and add breadcrumb into another plate , mix well with grated parmesan cheese .

  12. 把带子沾上自发粉,然后沾上鸡蛋,再沾上面包糠,放落滚油中炸至金黄色,捞起上碟。

    Coat scallops with self raising flour and brush on egg , then finally coat with bread crumbs . Fry until it turns golden brown . Drain and dish up .

  13. 发酵面包糠制备耗时、过程相对复杂、生产设备也相对昂贵,此外其保质期短,很大程度上限制了面包糠产品的销售和面包糠企业的发展。

    The fermenting bread bran is expensive for complicated and time-consuming process and dear production equipment , besides fermenting one has a short shelf life , therefore it is suitable for local enterprise , which restrict the sales of bread bran product and the development of related enterprise .

  14. 用面包片卷成条状,上蛋浆再沾上面包糠,熏衣草,用中火炸6分钟即成。

    Make cuttlefish into mucus , use shive roll it , moisten egg slurry , bread bran and lavender on it , fry it for6 minutes .

  15. 方块面包上抹上虾胶,压上中虾,然后再沾上面包糠;

    Spread the shrimp paste onto the bread squares and top with prawns on it , then coat with breadcrumb ;