
  • Taro;Dasheen;ube
  1. 结果表明,磷酸酯化能显著提高香芋淀粉与PVA的混溶性,并且随着取代度的增长,酯化淀粉与PVA的混溶性提高;

    The result shows that phosphate esterification can enhance the compatibility of taro starch and PVA evidently .

  2. 实验以香芋、牛奶粉、蔗糖为主要原料,采用L9(34)正交实验确定了加工工艺参数,筛选出最优组合。

    This experiment used sweet taro , milk powder solution , and sugar as the main material . The parameters of processing technique were determined and the optimal process condition was recommended by the orthogonal design L9 ( 34 ) .

  3. 香芋乳酸发酵系列产品的研究

    Study on a series of fermented taro products with lactic acid

  4. 香芋淀粉磷酸酯的糊化特性研究

    Study on gelatinization property of colocasia esculenta schott starch phosphate ester

  5. 频振式杀虫灯在无公害香芋生产上的应用

    Application of the Frequency Vibrancy-killing Lamp in Production of Pollution-free Fragrant-taro

  6. 响应面分析法对油炸香芋片的工艺优化

    Optimization of process of frying fragrant taro clips by response surface methodology

  7. 那些四方形、品味的摊子出售糖果和香芋。

    Candy bars and cigarettes are sold from boxy , tasteless kiosks .

  8. 在西雅图生活的亚洲人喜欢绿豆、红豆和香芋口味的冰淇淋。

    Asian populations in Seattle enjoy green bean , red bean and taro ice creams .

  9. 香芋淀粉糊的特性

    Property of Colocasia Esculenta Schott Starch Paste

  10. 香芋酸奶的研制

    Study on Taro Yoghurt

  11. 香芋属天南星科植物,是我国南方普遍种植的一种经济作物。

    Fragrant taro is economic crops which belongs to Araceae plants . Fragrant taro is widely planted in South of China .

  12. 本文研究了不同熟化工艺及护色剂对真空冷冻干燥炭步香芋片风味及色泽的影响。

    This paper reported the results of several kinds of pretreatment on vacuum freezing drying ( VFD ) of Tanbu 's taro .

  13. 雪糕粉有香草、朱古力、草莓、香芋、密及牛奶共六种口味。

    Ice Cram Mix is available in 6 flavors ; Vanilla , Chocolate , Strawberry , Ube Yam , melon and Creamy Milk .

  14. 以香芋为原料,以卡拉胶、柠檬酸钠等为辅料,添加1∶1的保加利亚乳杆菌与嗜热链球菌发酵,探讨乳酸菌发酵制备香芋饮料和香芋果冻的工艺条件。

    Taro was used as raw material , the carrageenan , sodium citrate and others as the adjuncts . Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus with the proportion of 1:1 were added for fermentation .

  15. 旱土种植模式的平均活劳动成本投入大于平均物化成本投入,物化成本和总成本最高的是豇豆/生姜/香芋模式。

    Dry land plant mode ' average living labor cost is greater than average materialization cost input , he highest materialization cost and total cost in dry land plant mode is cowpeas / ginger / fragrant taro mode .

  16. 研究了香芋淀粉磷酸酯的糊粘度、透明度、冻融稳定性、沉降稳定性、糊化难易程度、耐糖、耐盐和抗霉菌能力。

    The effects of substitution degree on paste viscosity , clarity , freeze-thaw stability , retrogradation , gelatinization difficult or easy degree , salt tolerance , sucrose tolerance and anti-mycotic characteristics of colocasia esculenta schott starch phosphate ester were studied .

  17. 结果表明,与原淀粉相比,香芋淀粉磷酸酯更容易糊化,透明度高,沉降稳定性好,冻融稳定性和抗霉菌能力有所改善,糊黏度减小。

    The results show that compare with the Colocasia esculenta schott starch , the starch phosphate ester has properties of easier gelatinization , higher clarity , better retrogradation , freeze-thaw stability and anti-mycotic characteristics are improved , and paste viscosity is decreased .

  18. AM真菌和水杨酸对草莓耐盐性的影响雪糕粉有香草、朱古力、草莓、香芋、密及牛奶共六种口味。

    Effects of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi and Salicylic Acid on Salt Tolerance of Strawberry ( Fragaria × ananassa Duch ) Plants Ice Cram Mix is available in 6 flavors ; Vanilla , Chocolate , Strawberry , Ube Yam , melon and Creamy Milk .

  19. 在系统熵值方面,水田的6种模式均达到了能量的负熵流,旱土只有玉米/包菜/小白菜模式和豇豆/生姜/香芋模式为负熵流。

    About the system entropy value , the 6 cropping pattern of rice paddy are all minus entropy value , and only cowpea / ginger / fragrant taro pattern and maize / cabbage / pakchoi pattern is minus entropy value in the 6 cropping pattern of dry land . 2 .